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Me water company have sent a letter about works they is doing on a lead replacement scheme. They replace old lead pipes fer free. Could save me up to 3k sovs. Said pipe is the one from the street to me castle. Eye share a pipe wiv 3 other houses. Said pipe runs down the drive of the first house. Past said house and turns left. From ere it runs along the back of the houses, connecting to each house. Eye issat the end of the pipe as eye is the last one.

Letter ses yer probably got lead pipes if yer castle was built before 1970. Mine was born in 1938. As part of the work yer must have a leak. Also they will fit a smart water meter. Now eye dun't know if eye hassa leak or lead pipes. Eye is wondering if this is just a trick to get me to fit a smart meter.

Has anyone had their lead pipes swopped to plastic wiv an offer like this?

Me water company have sent a letter about works they is doing on a lead replacement scheme. They replace old lead pipes fer free. Could save me up to 3k sovs. Said pipe is the one from the street to me castle. Eye share a pipe wiv 3 other houses. Said pipe runs down the drive of the first house. Past said house and turns left. From ere it runs along the back of the houses, connecting to each house. Eye issat the end of the pipe as eye is the last one.

Letter ses yer probably got lead pipes if yer castle was built before 1970. Mine was born in 1938. As part of the work yer must have a leak. Also they will fit a smart water meter. Now eye dun't know if eye hassa leak or lead pipes. Eye is wondering if this is just a trick to get me to fit a smart meter.

Has anyone had their lead pipes swopped to plastic wiv an offer like this?

They were giving grants in the eighties to replace lead from the mains to your house
Ours came in the back so they switched to feed from the front
They forgot to disconnect the lead pipe at the back so my old house has two feeds for water supply, garage and outside tap supplied from old pipes so should they fit a water meter then would only meter household water, rest would be free
Got my centre console for the D1 delivered & its been busted in the post, took me long enough to find the proper one.
There is another on the bay of e & its a stupid price. I could glue it but the chances are it will just break at some point.
The supply into Wimblowdriver Towers is a copper pipe. Couple of years ago the pipe came adrift from the meter, noticed when a large wet area was forming at ground level. Roots from next door's cypress had pulled on the pipe. Water company accepted it was their problem and fixed it as the leak was at their meter. About 750 sovs worth of water had escaped, but they didn't charge me.
Got my centre console for the D1 delivered & its been busted in the post, took me long enough to find the proper one.
There is another on the bay of e & its a stupid price. I could glue it but the chances are it will just break at some point.
View attachment 328863
I trust you will get your money back -----

additional; sell it to an FL owner, they like upgrades :p
Go on then. Surely a hot wire would have less resistance.
Surely you are joking?
I know you are!
But I simply said "Imagine you are the free electron trying to pass down the wire. If it is full of ions standing still, like people standing still in a corridor you can shoot past them, but if the people are jigging around, chatting, mucking around, like they do at break time, you'd keep bumping into them and having to push past them so it'd take longer. so it's the same with the free electrons they keep bumping into the ions which slows them down. and the hotter the conductor is the more the ions jig around and get in the way."

I also went on like this:

"In any substance, as it get's hotter "Stuff" moves around more, (they knew about Brownian motion) when hot enough it breaks free (melts),and eventually the "stuff" breaks even more free and turns to vapour.

And if it gets really, really cold, so the "stuff" isn't moving at all, then the electrons can pass and continue to pass, so put the stuff in a circle and electricity will flow round and round for ever!" (superconduction)

(Obviously they already knew about conductive materials.)

At which point jaws drop and teaching is really fun.:):):):)
Me water company have sent a letter about works they is doing on a lead replacement scheme. They replace old lead pipes fer free. Could save me up to 3k sovs. Said pipe is the one from the street to me castle. Eye share a pipe wiv 3 other houses. Said pipe runs down the drive of the first house. Past said house and turns left. From ere it runs along the back of the houses, connecting to each house. Eye issat the end of the pipe as eye is the last one.

Letter ses yer probably got lead pipes if yer castle was built before 1970. Mine was born in 1938. As part of the work yer must have a leak. Also they will fit a smart water meter. Now eye dun't know if eye hassa leak or lead pipes. Eye is wondering if this is just a trick to get me to fit a smart meter.

Has anyone had their lead pipes swopped to plastic wiv an offer like this?

I can't believe you haven't already got a meter.
The difference it made to our bill when we got one!!!!!!!
It reduced our water and sewage bills by something like 90%. The connection fee costs us more than the water even when we were here full time.
You have to have a huge family, washing clothes and taking baths all the time for it to be cheaper to do it via rateable value.
What does that mean, please?
Leccy supplied to yer castle is AC alternating current type. The voltage follows the path of a constant sign wave. 0 to 230 to 0 to -230 to 0 to 230... Hence alternating. It does this 50 times per second. Tis why they refer to it as 50Hz hertz. While this is happening the current flows in pulses, timed to the rise of the peaks of the voltage sign wave. Hence yer castle is supplied wiv constant pulses of electrical energy.

In leccy terms yer castle is a load. It loads the leccy supply, meaning it uses the power delivered to it. There's 3 types of load in leccy terms:

- Resistive where the current and voltage are said to be in phase. They match each other on phase angle. Meaning there's no phase shift between them.
- Capacitive where the current arrives earlier than the volts, so theres a bit of an offset. We say the current leads the volts. There's a phase shift between them.
- Inductive where the current arrives later than the volts, so theres a bit of an offset. There's a phase shift between them.

We remember this using CIVIL. CIV capacitive load current leads voltage. C before V. VIL inductive [L] load current lags voltage. L after V.

Yer typical house is an inductive load because of the type of leccy appliances yer have. Leccy cooker, washing machine, hoover, leccy shower etc are all inductive appliances. Office blocks wiv a lot of flourescent lights are typically capacitive loads.

Yer typical house has a supply current lagging the voltage by about 10%. This is factered into the normal cost of a leccy unit, to generate and supply the energy. Houses which are much more heavily inductive will see their power factor value shift more. Fer arguments sake a guess of 20% if they have a big lathe running or 20x henry hovers. With a normal old style leccy meter excessive power factor wasn't measured. So yer still paid the same unit price for the power delivered in watts. Volts x amps = watts. This is not the same for smart meters. They can measure phase shift which allows them to charge for excess phase shift.

In a purely resistive load, the energy delivered (voltage and current) is in phase. So the demand on the network is considered fair. Yer use of the energy network is what you get. For a typical castle where the power factor is offset by 10% because its an inductive load, yer placing a slightly greater demand on the supply network for delivery of the energy yer need, because of it being an inductive load wiv a phase shift. More demand than what whould be needed if it was a pure resistive load wiv no phase shift. This is factored into the normal leccy unit price for say 10% phase shift. Fink of it as putting a bigger strain on the energy supply network, for what you need. The greater the phase shift, the greater the strain. If yer phase shift drops to the above example of 20% because yer run a lot of henry hoovers at the same time, this would put an even greater strain on the supply network, to supply the same energy with a greater phase shift.

The short answer is smart meters measure phase shift and charge yer more for it, because yer putting greater strain/demand on the leccy network to supply the same amount of energy, if the phase shift is greater. Lots of peeps online argue against this as some sort of foul play. Its not. Its a fairer way of charging those who put excessive demand on the network supply. Yer never got charged this way before because they split the cost of energy generation and supply equally across every unit of energy used. Smart meters allow charging of users with greater phase shift due to what their powering in their house.
I can't believe you haven't already got a meter.
The difference it made to our bill when we got one!!!!!!!
It reduced our water and sewage bills by something like 90%. The connection fee costs us more than the water even when we were here full time.
You have to have a huge family, washing clothes and taking baths all the time for it to be cheaper to do it via rateable value.
Have bin finking about a water meter fer some time but not got round to it. Me water tastes orrible. Run the tap ferrabit and its ok. Leave a cup wiv fresh tap water innit fer 5 hours and the water tastes bad.
Surely you are joking?
I know you are!
But I simply said "Imagine you are the free electron trying to pass down the wire. If it is full of ions standing still, like people standing still in a corridor you can shoot past them, but if the people are jigging around, chatting, mucking around, like they do at break time, you'd keep bumping into them and having to push past them so it'd take longer. so it's the same with the free electrons they keep bumping into the ions which slows them down. and the hotter the conductor is the more the ions jig around and get in the way."

I also went on like this:

"In any substance, as it get's hotter "Stuff" moves around more, (they knew about Brownian motion) when hot enough it breaks free (melts),and eventually the "stuff" breaks even more free and turns to vapour.

And if it gets really, really cold, so the "stuff" isn't moving at all, then the electrons can pass and continue to pass, so put the stuff in a circle and electricity will flow round and round for ever!" (superconduction)

(Obviously they already knew about conductive materials.)

At which point jaws drop and teaching is really fun.:):):):)
Eye couldn't resist.
Baked beans and tuna fer lunch.

Made me first tuna bake last night. Tuna. Sweet corn. Packet mix. Milk. Pasta twirls. Din't bother wiv cheese. Tis full of fat. Coildn't find bread crums int sainsberrys so went wivvoot. Taste was ok. Pasta is very filling. Put too much in. Burrit feels good to know eye can make anuvva meal as an option. All done in me microwave. Gave me air fryer the night oft. He will be 2 later this year.
Got my centre console for the D1 delivered & its been busted in the post, took me long enough to find the proper one.
There is another on the bay of e & its a stupid price. I could glue it but the chances are it will just break at some point.
View attachment 328863
Oh dear sorry about that. :( :( :(
Could you use one of those hot staple guns like I talked bout during the summer? From the inside?
the fill it wiv summat and paint it?
the break looks fairly clean and they make staples that work at right angles and all sorts of angles anyway. The plastic ought to be thick enough to take it. Cheaper to buy one of those guns than buy another one, especailly if you get a refund.
Wots wrong wiv the original and could you use bits of it?
Leccy supplied to yer castle is AC alternating current type. The voltage follows the path of a constant sign wave. 0 to 230 to 0 to -230 to 0 to 230... Hence alternating. It does this 50 times per second. Tis why they refer to it as 50Hz hertz. While this is happening the current flows in pulses, timed to the rise of the peaks of the voltage sign wave. Hence yer castle is supplied wiv constant pulses of electrical energy.

In leccy terms yer castle is a load. It loads the leccy supply, meaning it uses the power delivered to it. There's 3 types of load in leccy terms:

- Resistive where the current and voltage are said to be in phase. They match each other on phase angle. Meaning there's no phase shift between them.
- Capacitive where the current arrives earlier than the volts, so theres a bit of an offset. We say the current leads the volts. There's a phase shift between them.
- Inductive where the current arrives later than the volts, so theres a bit of an offset. There's a phase shift between them.

We remember this using CIVIL. CIV capacitive load current leads voltage. C before V. VIL inductive [L] load current lags voltage. L after V.

Yer typical house is an inductive load because of the type of leccy appliances yer have. Leccy cooker, washing machine, hoover, leccy shower etc are all inductive appliances. Office blocks wiv a lot of flourescent lights are typically capacitive loads.

Yer typical house has a supply current lagging the voltage by about 10%. This is factered into the normal cost of a leccy unit, to generate and supply the energy. Houses which are much more heavily inductive will see their power factor value shift more. Fer arguments sake a guess of 20% if they have a big lathe running or 20x henry hovers. With a normal old style leccy meter excessive power factor wasn't measured. So yer still paid the same unit price for the power delivered in watts. Volts x amps = watts. This is not the same for smart meters. They can measure phase shift which allows them to charge for excess phase shift.

In a purely resistive load, the energy delivered (voltage and current) is in phase. So the demand on the network is considered fair. Yer use of the energy network is what you get. For a typical castle where the power factor is offset by 10% because its an inductive load, yer placing a slightly greater demand on the supply network for delivery of the energy yer need, because of it being an inductive load wiv a phase shift. More demand than what whould be needed if it was a pure resistive load wiv no phase shift. This is factored into the normal leccy unit price for say 10% phase shift. Fink of it as putting a bigger strain on the energy supply network, for what you need. The greater the phase shift, the greater the strain. If yer phase shift drops to the above example of 20% because yer run a lot of henry hoovers at the same time, this would put an even greater strain on the supply network, to supply the same energy with a greater phase shift.

The short answer is smart meters measure phase shift and charge yer more for it, because yer putting greater strain/demand on the leccy network to supply the same amount of energy, if the phase shift is greater. Lots of peeps online argue against this as some sort of foul play. Its not. Its a fairer way of charging those who put excessive demand on the network supply. Yer never got charged this way before because they split the cost of energy generation and supply equally across every unit of energy used. Smart meters allow charging of users with greater phase shift due to what their powering in their house.
Never knew any of this.

The country is very short of physics teachers. Never had the urge to change careers? ;)