I would just like to say

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Lad's been ont' phone ... she's kicking off because she cannot get £100k out of the house in the divorce.
I told him to stop being a patsy and dob her in for all her benefit fraud. It doesn't hurt the kids, it just kicks her into touch.
She's gone for a court order to get the house sold. He needs to get an assets hearing in place.

Wots her details I'll stick her in, the court can put a deferred order on it, so its sold when the kids are 18 or finished
full time education wonder if she know this.
We will be saying goodbye to the hens tomoz. They will be going to the lovely chap in the village who takes them on every year and gives them a lovely life. He even takes in rescues from battery farms and stuff. Many of them are in a right sorry state when he gets them.
So they got a treat tonight, a lot of a melon that we had had for dessert, they do love it!
Dan I am so sorry for you and your son over all this.
As I said many moons ago, if she is trying to make her own kids homeless the judge ought to kick all this into touch, at least until they are beyond education age.
If she can be dobbed in for anything then it should be done, how could he benefit from not doing that? Can't see it.
All the best to you and all who are involved in this, except her of course. :(

Thats a horrible situation to be in, I feel sorry for the kids stuck in the middle. :(:(

I am guessing that AB is a diameter, so the lines that come from the middle of it must be radii. And as the triangles are all isoceles then both sides of each of the big ones will be the same length as the radius , also the line going from the midpoint to a will be a radius, that's all I've got though. Not very good at the geometry within a circle or even with triangles. :(
Afternoon folks :).

So fixed the door that is most used in the house and has failed to shut on the latch for ages (shuts when handle lifted to engage the other locks UPVC has) plus it locks on the key but you cant take the key out, Plus the handle was getting sloppy (there are certain people in this house that are not mechanically sympathetic and wrench it like ringing the neck of a chicken instead of gently shutting a door:oops:) .
M says "I will get the guys out" J says "what and spend moneyo_O" .
I take it apart and its a broken spring on the latch, not sure about the lock as seems to work. Right we have a door (same supplier that is not used) so I take out the spare lock, yep you guessed it different size/design, but it has a spring I can use;).
Put it all back together (used the square bar from the spare) and now it works perfectly. put the other door back together and now it has a sloppy action and wont release the key🤔. It don't matter though.
It appears the square bar may have been worn (didnt clean and check).
I seem to have a glut of "browney" points:banana:.

Defender and little trailer MOT tomoz, pickup some sand on the way home (regardless of test results:p).

Then I stacked some more wood as it was a bit overcast but still wam.

M went to insure the L322, Defender and big trailer, Problems occurred :oops:.
Because M has "so many policies" with the same company they have asked questions as to if she is real and legit🤔 (oh shes real:p)
Never had it before with the questions , Driving licenses of drivers & where do you drive them? Sorted now.
I guess I will get the same when I go in in March to do a car and 2 bikes:rolleyes:.

Dont know why, never had anything like it before:vb-confused2:.

M went to insure the L322, Defender and big trailer, Problems occurred :oops:.
Because M has "so many policies" with the same company they have asked questions as to if she is real and legit🤔 (oh shes real:p)
Never had it before with the questions , Driving licenses of drivers & where do you drive them? Sorted now.
I guess I will get the same when I go in in March to do a car and 2 bikes:rolleyes:.

Dont know why, never had anything like it before:vb-confused2:.

Funny you should say that when the Defender had its mot thay wanted my residents card also never had that before maybe something to do with immigrants? ?