I would just like to say

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Wee dog got me up before 5 today - caught short! At first, I ignored 'is request so he recruited the big 'un to make a more 'forcefull' request!:) Came back soon to collect 'is 'pillow' and off 'e went out again. It was dark, very dark, so I made me tea and returned to bed, the big'un was already snoring, back in 'is bed.
Having had my breakfast and the daily meeting with their canine friends be completed, I served up their brekerdins and they are now racing around the garden following all their well-worn and very muddy tracks. I thought it was too good to be true - the drizzly rain has started.:(
Have a good day folks.:):):)
Certainly didn't look like it.:(

Im not always a fan of hunting.& they still want you to pay to ride/support these. If the fox gets away fair play. I see more foxes walking/deceased by the road than iv seen caught.
The hunt was banned from the land in Kent due to pheasants but I’m sure the foxes knew this & would jump the fence.
There were 2 dens on the land. If you remove them others would have appeared.
We get quite a number 'passing through' and have been known to have two stop and peer into our kitchen through the patio doors! They looked at us and we looked at them - it was dark out - and they then just ambled off into the night.:) She was quite a catch, he was a scrawny looking creature! :)
Telling the kids how we used to have to walk to school in the snow ....

Telling the kids how we used to have to walk to school in the snow ....
I remembers the winter of '63 when I was at primary skool. Never failed to get there walking through the snow, endless snowball fights, fuel shortages (pre double glazing and central heating). Only place to get warm was at skool, they had a huge boiler room. Yer can't tell kids these days -------.
First snowflake and they're all shut around here. I can't remember the school ever being shut because of snow when I was young, it was worth getting in early to watch the language teachers try and get up the hill in their 2CV's
I remembers the winter of '63 when I was at primary skool. Never failed to get there walking through the snow, endless snowball fights, fuel shortages (pre double glazing and central heating). Only place to get warm was at skool, they had a huge boiler room. Yer can't tell kids these days -------.
Us boys ad 12 mile train ride to grammar skule, then to drape 11/2 miles through toan. Twuzzen niver late xcepn when train wuz stuck to rails. Then us ad to stand ont platfurm fer 2 owrs till message cum vrum skule as ow us cud go ome.