I would just like to say

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Why yer selling? Buying another?
Nope, I've just bought a Toyota Aygo brand new so my lads can drive it :D
With the fuel money I'll save it's costing about 100 quid a month and there's no mot to worry about plus I get some time to finally get my 2a back together.
Ultimately I want a tax/mot exempt second car for when my lads are using the Aygo so either a 2a or a cj7
What day is it... I’m well confused.
All I do know it’s dark outside
Try working revolving night shifts then trying to revert to daytime hours when you're off:oops: My body doesn't know if it should be awake or asleep or when I'm hungry

I work 5/3, 5/3, 5/3, 5/4, 4/4, 4/4 repeat:confused: As in 5 nights in three nights off. Fortunately I've got a 12 month calendar with it all on but I've just woken up at a time that two days ago I was going to sleep:eek:
Twuz pizzun doan last night an wind were a gale. Us neighbours ev a 40 gallon drum in't garden rollin round goin donk donk donk. Us ev slep ont spare bed cuz the Doris ev gone out an got erself a D&V bug an us boys don't want none uv that business. Us boys zed "Where did 'ee get that vrum, mai luvver?" An er zed "Us went Tescos an it wuz on zpecial offer yer **** now leave us lone".
Us boys be goan down shed at first light wiv a flask an cake.
Morning All :D
Off for an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm scan this morning - Isn't the NHS wonderful?
Grand-kid from 09:00 till 16:00 :(
Herself is ill with a sore throat she has picked up from the Grand-Kid portable virus factories yesterday.
Allegedly off t see the eldest Son on Saturday over in Abingdon so another "early doors" awakening for us old folks.
Morning All :D
Off for an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm scan this morning - Isn't the NHS wonderful?
Grand-kid from 09:00 till 16:00 :(
Herself is ill with a sore throat she has picked up from the Grand-Kid portable virus factories yesterday.
Allegedly off t see the eldest Son on Saturday over in Abingdon so another "early doors" awakening for us old folks.

Good luck wivs that ... my number two son does a few of them per month, must be a trendy fing to have ...