I've just renewed a lot of my stuff over the last few days. It started with a desire for a new monitor. I had been using a cheap flat screen TV for the last couple of years, because I got it to replace a broken one and I needed something that was big, cheap and available via next day delivery. Pictures look nice but text is a bit pixellated. So I bought a nice new monitor the other day. Lovely. But it's a 21:9 aspect ratio which my old computer wouldn't support - everything was stretched out to fit the screen. So I ordered a new graphics card. This turned out to be far too big; it had a standard male PCI connector, but wouldn't go in because of where the hard drive caddies go, and these are spot welded to the inside of the case, plus it would foul the places where all the SATA connectors go on the motherboard. Oh well, time for a new case and motherboard. So I've ended up replacing almost everything. The last of the bits I needed arrived yesterday and I spent the afternoon putting it together, adding software and transferring my work files. One thing that's slightly disturbing is how much of my personal data Google has - most of my autocomplete usernames and passwords were there automatically on my new machine, including the supposedly hard to crack ones that are random strings of special characters. I'm sure Sergey Brin, Jeff Bezos et al are really nice guys, but I'm not entirely comfortable with them being able to use my bank account.
It's all zipping along nicely. I've never had so much RAM before in my life.