Got CH pump off with no more water spillage, cleaned it up, put it back on. Long story short, it hummed and got hot with no boiler on and no hot water, so I guess that although it seemed to spin quite freely the electronic bulls' droppings that turns it by induction or summat hain't working, simply overheating.
So we have until Friday week plus as long as it takes t'plumber to fix it, to endure living like we did back int '50s.
(Or in my case till 1973)
Hey flippin Ho.
Turned my attention to W's fog lamp bulb holder. cleaned it's contacts up a lot wiv the fibreglass brush. Was pleasantly surprised to find that where I thought it had lost a bit of brass in fact the connector to the outside of the bulb -ive I assume) still makes a connection with one of the two pins in the socket on the bottom.
Problem is, the +ive one don't connect to the positive terminal, which touches the bottom of the bulb, despite being cleaned really well and having enough spring in it to make a good contact.
Then things got bonkers. BOTH pins have little resistance to the negative part of the bulb.
I have tested the bulb and there appears to be no short in the bulb. Have to confess that I haven't tried a new one but if this is the case it'll be the first time I have ever seen it. Positive terminal of bulb still gives a reading when connected to the neg via the meter.
Fink I'll go out to t'garridge and find a spare bulb.
Enjoy folks!