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Ok folks that’s the morning done. Now a little tale…..
Yesterday I filled in an online form to confirm my electoral roll entry and was surprised to receive a reply from an independent contractor on the councils behalf. I was a bit annoyed by this but put it down to being an old guy who’s not used to modern ways.
Surprise surprise this morning I’ve been included in a WhatsApp group called “Swimming against the c” which uses the Union Flag as its logo. This in itself nowadays makes me expect that it will be a far right agitation group run by the like of Farridge or his scum.
What do you folks reckon? Have the councils contractors mined the data and sold my profile to these filth? It’s taken half an hour to clear it from my WhatsApp account.
No, its nothing to do with Reform or Farage as far as I know. I got added to the group at random too.
I just left the group immediately.
Ok folks that’s the morning done. Now a little tale…..
Yesterday I filled in an online form to confirm my electoral roll entry and was surprised to receive a reply from an independent contractor on the councils behalf. I was a bit annoyed by this but put it down to being an old guy who’s not used to modern ways.
Surprise surprise this morning I’ve been included in a WhatsApp group called “Swimming against the c” which uses the Union Flag as its logo. This in itself nowadays makes me expect that it will be a far right agitation group run by the like of Farridge or his scum.
What do you folks reckon? Have the councils contractors mined the data and sold my profile to these filth? It’s taken half an hour to clear it from my WhatsApp account.

Did you log on to the official site?
If so then complain, by phone to the right number.
It just goes to show why there are so many scams out there, but glad you worked it out and sorted it.

Bloke once rang me from (well known bank I was with "lucky guess maybe") started talking to me about my account and what I should do with my money, then started asking me security questions to get "me" past the security :oops:
Said Ok but as you have rung please give me your *bank* extension number and I will ring you back as I didnt ask for this call.

J :rolleyes:
Did you log on to the official site?
If so then complain, by phone to the right number.
It just goes to show why there are so many scams out there, but glad you worked it out and sorted it.

Bloke once rang me from (well known bank I was with "lucky guess maybe") started talking to me about my account and what I should do with my money, then started asking me security questions to get "me" past the security :oops:
Said Ok but as you have rung please give me your *bank* extension number and I will ring you back as I didnt ask for this call.

J :rolleyes:
No, I didn’t look at the “official” site, looks like it’s a crypto scam or something like. I’m still suspicious of how they got my data and I wouldn’t trust a contractor to the council further than I can spit in a very strong wind. The level of oversight is bound to be derisory to say the least.
No, I didn’t look at the “official” site, looks like it’s a crypto scam or something like. I’m still suspicious of how they got my data and I wouldn’t trust a contractor to the council further than I can spit in a very strong wind. The level of oversight is bound to be derisory to say the least.

Did you log on through an E-mail/text msg link?

Not sure thats how it worked.
When UK was in the EU taxes(Vat, import) had already been paid "somewhere" (if it wasnt made in the EU).
No VAT or import taxes where imposed on bringing stuff into the UK if brought in the EU, and vikky verser.

I could get stuff from the UK here when the UK was still in the EU with no issue, door to door delivery.
Now since its not the same. But.

I do not pay UK VAT (as long as the UK company is VAT registered) as I pay VAT Tax when it arrives here, it all works out the same ish at the end of the day.
I had to get a special number to get stuff from the UK for import purposes, still need it for some stuff but not much. Funny enough alot of UK sellers have now relised they are losing many sales, they now do all the paperwork and any taxes due so its back to door to door sales/delivery to the EU.

This is why there are "claim back the VAT" places at many ports of entry/exit.

@Stanleysteamer If charged should be able to claim back any VAT paid for the wine.

Now things are different;) get used to it.

We enquired about claiming back the VAT on wine bought in France. It IS possible, but the seller has to agree to process the VAT refund forms. We only asked one person and she wouldn't do it.

They don't have to, see this.

Of course they have to charge VAT on everything we buy as some will be drunk in France. So the customs person in the UK has to stamp the form when we request it so that it can be processed by the seller and then the seller should send us back the dosh.
As far as I can tell, even paying our VAT and Duty could be tricky. It boils down to us having to pay by debit card, on the spot. All other ways are a lot more complex.

Fingers and toes are all crossed.
When we were in the EU we only paid vat on EU imports. There were no tarrifs across EU internal boarders. We paid vat and import tax on non EU country imports unless there was a special deal which reduced import tax. Now we're oot we have to balance the need to buy in stuff, and protect our own markets. Like tarrifs on EU imports. Same methods we had on non EU imports. Previoulsy setup/agreed through and as part of trade deals wiv non EU countries, as part of a group EU deal. Now we're on our own so we have to protect ourselfs on our own. Yer not just protecting the items yer put tarrifs on. Said tarrif works to protect all trade. Its bad for a country to buy lots in and sell little. Tarrifs help to balance that oot by making imports more eggspensive so we're more tempted to make and buy our own.

Mr clarkson was talking recently about home grown wine. Its surprising how many there are. Not high volume. Our wevver ain't as good as the Italian fer growing.
On your own and don't manufacture mutch most of the big companies are foreign owned so profits go out the UK like a running tap hence the 22 billion black hole big tax rises on the way no outher options
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Ok folks that’s the morning done. Now a little tale…..
Yesterday I filled in an online form to confirm my electoral roll entry and was surprised to receive a reply from an independent contractor on the councils behalf. I was a bit annoyed by this but put it down to being an old guy who’s not used to modern ways.
Surprise surprise this morning I’ve been included in a WhatsApp group called “Swimming against the c” which uses the Union Flag as its logo. This in itself nowadays makes me expect that it will be a far right agitation group run by the like of Farridge or his scum.
What do you folks reckon? Have the councils contractors mined the data and sold my profile to these filth? It’s taken half an hour to clear it from my WhatsApp account.
Was it councils contractors or has the site been hijacked or infiltrated? ?
Not sure thats how it worked.
When UK was in the EU taxes(Vat, import) had already been paid "somewhere" (if it wasnt made in the EU).
No VAT or import taxes where imposed on bringing stuff into the UK if brought in the EU, and vikky verser.

I could get stuff from the UK here when the UK was still in the EU with no issue, door to door delivery.
Now since its not the same. But.

I do not pay UK VAT (as long as the UK company is VAT registered) as I pay VAT Tax when it arrives here, it all works out the same ish at the end of the day.
I had to get a special number to get stuff from the UK for import purposes, still need it for some stuff but not much. Funny enough alot of UK sellers have now relised they are losing many sales, they now do all the paperwork and any taxes due so its back to door to door sales/delivery to the EU.

This is why there are "claim back the VAT" places at many ports of entry/exit.

@Stanleysteamer If charged should be able to claim back any VAT paid for the wine.

Now things are different;) get used to it.

Just the same for use but I must admit the price has increased be it due to transport costs or additional paper work ?