I would just like to say

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Sod that, nobody ever died wishing they'd had less sex.
Besides, must be at least a modicum of healthy exercise, right?
Both of my heart "incidents" were immediately during/after/as result of the act. LOL
1st was a huge and very scary massive angina attack that had me hospitalised for 36 hours.
2nd was the real deal and I managed to shake something loose and block an artery (2 stents).
Both 3 or 4 in the morning jobs, so awkward to explain to the medics.
Beware this gentle exercise, it is out to get you I tell you. :D
But, what a way to go! Ha! Ha!
To answer your last line, nor do we, so far we haven't had to find out and we sincerely hope we don't!
In any "case" it'll only be starting next year.
If we do get checked next year I'll let you all know. That is if we bring back a lot of vin next year, we may not, but then again we prolly will as we always seem to need to!
I note that this is all designed, i.e. the bar and QR coding, for use inside the EU. so they may well not give a monkeys about the alc content for buying, selling and transporting around the EU.

I am not sure it is done to protect our own markets, we don't exactly make a lot of red wine in the UK. I think it is quite simply, as it always has been, yet another way of taxing the drinking classes.
As I have tried to explain, the look up table would have to be massive and constantly updated.
It is too late now as we aren't going to any more vineyards but next time we go to one I'll ask them about it, and hope that can answer once their roll eyes have finished. Cos I bet most of the small ones will see it as justa nother complete pain in the rear.
In fact I may email one as they are more or less friends now. ;)
When we were in the EU we only paid vat on EU imports. There were no tarrifs across EU internal boarders. We paid vat and import tax on non EU country imports unless there was a special deal which reduced import tax. Now we're oot we have to balance the need to buy in stuff, and protect our own markets. Like tarrifs on EU imports. Same methods we had on non EU imports. Previoulsy setup/agreed through and as part of trade deals wiv non EU countries, as part of a group EU deal. Now we're on our own so we have to protect ourselfs on our own. Yer not just protecting the items yer put tarrifs on. Said tarrif works to protect all trade. Its bad for a country to buy lots in and sell little. Tarrifs help to balance that oot by making imports more eggspensive so we're more tempted to make and buy our own.

Mr clarkson was talking recently about home grown wine. Its surprising how many there are. Not high volume. Our wevver ain't as good as the Italian fer growing.
When we were in the EU we only paid vat on EU imports. There were no tarrifs across EU internal boarders. We paid vat and import tax on non EU country imports unless there was a special deal which reduced import tax. Now we're oot we have to balance the need to buy in stuff, and protect our own markets. Like tarrifs on EU imports. Same methods we had on non EU imports. Previoulsy setup/agreed through and as part of trade deals wiv non EU countries, as part of a group EU deal. Now we're on our own so we have to protect ourselfs on our own. Yer not just protecting the items yer put tarrifs on. Said tarrif works to protect all trade. Its bad for a country to buy lots in and sell little. Tarrifs help to balance that oot by making imports more eggspensive so we're more tempted to make and buy our own.

Mr clarkson was talking recently about home grown wine. Its surprising how many there are. Not high volume. Our wevver ain't as good as the Italian fer growing.
Back when I was Head of European Studies I used to have to teach all this stuff about tarifs and other means of limiting imports like having all of a certain type of thing only come in through one port. Or limited numbers/quotas allowed in in one year. So I do know how they work. I seem to remember France imposing funny rules on the importation of VHS recorders from Japan and elsewhere.
I also had to teach about the intervention price and where the butter mountain and wine lake came from. The stats about who were the most efficient farmers (us) etc were most interesting.
This was back in the early eighties, things have changed mucho since then and the French have become much more efficient farmers.

It is said that Hadrian's wall was built as that was judged to be the maximum limit up to which grapes for wine could be grown back in around the end of BC and the beginning of AD! The romans of course stayed over here for about 350 years so grew lots of vines and made lots of wine! The temperatures have since dropped although now of course they are picking up again rather too fast it would appear.
We had a grape vine on a wall in the garden of our Georgian house in Bath that gave great red grapes, back in the 60s but it had been there ages, and we have one in our garden in Dorset which also gives great grapes, better for eating than wine making though.
This time last year there were 943 vineyards over 3,928 hectares producing wine in the UK. Still not much compared to the fact that 1 in 5 agricultural exploitations in France is grapes! (38 k producers.);)
That’d be raising my blood pressure to start with…

Mine goes up the minute I step in a hospital add to that all the waiting in the "comfy" chairs and the Docteresses in white coats who take your BP, you could add 50points to mine easily.
Staying with gf and getting pampered 🙂
Pizzin down here
Stay healthy all 🙂

Sounds like you may need to be sick for a while ;).

Underlying stress is a weird thing to understand.

You may have to relent and take some tablets till you can work out what/why has caused it. But don't be stubborn about it get sorted first, then work it out.

Ok folks that’s the morning done. Now a little tale…..
Yesterday I filled in an online form to confirm my electoral roll entry and was surprised to receive a reply from an independent contractor on the councils behalf. I was a bit annoyed by this but put it down to being an old guy who’s not used to modern ways.
Surprise surprise this morning I’ve been included in a WhatsApp group called “Swimming against the c” which uses the Union Flag as its logo. This in itself nowadays makes me expect that it will be a far right agitation group run by the like of Farridge or his scum.
What do you folks reckon? Have the councils contractors mined the data and sold my profile to these filth? It’s taken half an hour to clear it from my WhatsApp account.
Mine goes up the minute I step in a hospital add to that all the waiting in the "comfy" chairs and the Docteresses in white coats who take your BP, you could add 50points to mine easily.

Sounds like you may need to be sick for a while ;).

Underlying stress is a weird thing to understand.

You may have to relent and take some tablets till you can work out what/why has caused it. But don't be stubborn about it get sorted first, then work it out.

Top advice ^^^. Take it easy, Pete.
When we were in the EU we only paid vat on EU imports. There were no tarrifs across EU internal boarders. We paid vat and import tax on non EU country imports unless there was a special deal which reduced import tax. Now we're oot we have to balance the need to buy in stuff, and protect our own markets. Like tarrifs on EU imports. Same methods we had on non EU imports. Previoulsy setup/agreed through and as part of trade deals wiv non EU countries, as part of a group EU deal. Now we're on our own so we have to protect ourselfs on our own. Yer not just protecting the items yer put tarrifs on. Said tarrif works to protect all trade. Its bad for a country to buy lots in and sell little. Tarrifs help to balance that oot by making imports more eggspensive so we're more tempted to make and buy our own.

Mr clarkson was talking recently about home grown wine. Its surprising how many there are. Not high volume. Our wevver ain't as good as the Italian fer growing.

Not sure thats how it worked.
When UK was in the EU taxes(Vat, import) had already been paid "somewhere" (if it wasnt made in the EU).
No VAT or import taxes where imposed on bringing stuff into the UK if brought in the EU, and vikky verser.

I could get stuff from the UK here when the UK was still in the EU with no issue, door to door delivery.
Now since its not the same. But.

I do not pay UK VAT (as long as the UK company is VAT registered) as I pay VAT Tax when it arrives here, it all works out the same ish at the end of the day.
I had to get a special number to get stuff from the UK for import purposes, still need it for some stuff but not much. Funny enough alot of UK sellers have now relised they are losing many sales, they now do all the paperwork and any taxes due so its back to door to door sales/delivery to the EU.

This is why there are "claim back the VAT" places at many ports of entry/exit.

@Stanleysteamer If charged should be able to claim back any VAT paid for the wine.

Now things are different;) get used to it.
