The Karcher appeared as if it was going to work, the long hose with the drain pipe end on it went eventually through the blockage and back but the water still didn't flow.
So faffed about with it a bit more getting no further. The main trouble seems to be that even if it is doing what it should, as the blockage is at the bottom of a vertical pipe there is nothing for the muck and rubble to do other than go right back on top of it once/if it gets free.
Then a couple of blokes touting for buildery type business appeared at my gate. I told then I was not interested at the moment as I have a bit of a thing on, they offered to come and have a look then told me they had this GeeWhizz petrol powered jetwash which would be much more powerful than my thing.
So being by now a bit fed up I let them have a go. They faffed about doing much the same things as I had done, they also pour ed a lot of their roof cleaning fluid down to see if it helped (?). Their machine made no difference. and they didn't have the long drain probe, nor a very long lance.
By the end of it my special Karcher tool would no longer go through the jam, but fluid does seem to.
So that is end of play. I did try a lot more but too boring to relate.
Needless to say as fluid was passing through they felt that they had cleared it so had to be paid. (Ouch)

Flipping Frog "Artisans".
W is back and not at all happy at the inconvenience. As usual she doesn't get how much hard work goes into digging big wet holes. The only way forward is to do yet more of it just to be able to reconnect the pipes back up. I think the lower bit has sunk further into the ground so I am expecting to have to make up some sort of a joint And I don't have much spare drain pipe as all I ever had was offcuts from when I was plumbing in the bathrooms and loo. Lord knows what size length I'd have to buy, might have to go sniffing round the neebs for any spare. Next door who are falling over themselvs to get back into our good books, did a lot of drainwork and put in their septic tank and outfall, so I bet he'll have a length. Worth a try à la Kev!
The bits of stuff that I could get to come out were quite large looking grains of sand and believe it or not bits of polystyrene. Flip knows what the builders etc have been up to.
To the extent that I wondered if drainage peeps insulate these pipes and bed them in sand and somehow this has got into the whole issue.
Next step may be to modify the jet on the end of the pipe as I have seen on a YouTube by drilling a lickle hole that points forward as well as the 4 that point back. Doubt it would make matters worse.