I would just like to say

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...that I have had a result (of sorts). :cool:
I am so sick of seeing my poor wife struggling to deal with her mother's garden.
She works so hard, hurts herself in the process and gets little or no thanks from the old bat.
She asks me to participate but having hurt myself on the ungrateful old biddies garden last year I refuse (which causes friction between us). :(
I put my oar in again yesterday and I went and found a recommended local gardening service to sort it all and then do ongoing maintenance. The initial "blitz" will cost £240 & the cost of a skip.
Ongoing thereafter will be 2 hrs every fortnight @ £28/Hr.
I will be so glad to see my darling relieved of this awful burden and thankless task.
Her mother has the money for it but is quite happy to see her daughter run herself into the ground for "free".
She's just not all there or sensible any more (the old biddy, not my darling) ;)
A couple of raw unsalted peanuts found in the garden will not hurt a 34kg working Labrador!
If you say so!
Just hope that in wolfing them down they don't accidentally get them down in their lungs as we all know what that can do to a yuman bean never mind a dawg.:confused:
As you say, a couple won't make them obese!
If you say so!
Just hope that in wolfing them down they don't accidentally get them down in their lungs as we all know what that can do to a yuman bean never mind a dawg.:confused:
As you say, a couple won't make them obese!
Bloody tennis balls are much more dangerous to a dog than a raw peanut - and yet peeps everywhere still throw them for Rover to go and fetch, oblivious to the risk… and the pet shops sell the sodding things.
Bloody tennis balls are much more dangerous to a dog than a raw peanut - and yet peeps everywhere still throw them for Rover to go and fetch, oblivious to the risk… and the pet shops sell the sodding things.
I think the issue there has to be the size of the dog's mouth, our Cockers will not come to any harm with tennis sized balls, ping-pong ball sized, ouch no!
And we also make sure that they are still intact and at least hardish cos once they aren't then they become a menace.
...that I have had a result (of sorts). :cool:
I am so sick of seeing my poor wife struggling to deal with her mother's garden.
She works so hard, hurts herself in the process and gets little or no thanks from the old bat.
She asks me to participate but having hurt myself on the ungrateful old biddies garden last year I refuse (which causes friction between us). :(
I put my oar in again yesterday and I went and found a recommended local gardening service to sort it all and then do ongoing maintenance. The initial "blitz" will cost £240 & the cost of a skip.
Ongoing thereafter will be 2 hrs every fortnight @ £28/Hr.
I will be so glad to see my darling relieved of this awful burden and thankless task.
Her mother has the money for it but is quite happy to see her daughter run herself into the ground for "free".
She's just not all there or sensible any more (the old biddy, not my darling) ;)
Good for you!
Nothing like putting your foot down with a firm hand!;)
I think the issue there has to be the size of the dog's mouth, our Cockers will not come to any harm with tennis sized balls, ping-pong ball sized, ouch no!
And we also make sure that they are still intact and at least hardish cos once they aren't then they become a menace.
I use a frisbee instead 😉

Unless she is training, then she gets the dummy
I use a frisbee instead 😉

Unless she is training, then she gets the dummy
The one with the big right forearm, or this one?!
Another hot day today.
Got up early to go to the CPAM to hand in all the forms to claim money back from the state for various medical things W has had this year and last. It opened at 0830 so got there bang on to find we were 6th in the queue.
But then it will be shut for August.
Then picked up Molly's ashes and made an appt for W to finally see the doc re her shoulder.
Rallye Montagne Noire will be in full swing this weekend, so the centre of town is closed off. It will be as noisy as usual, and as boring. Just cannot get into modern cars. Rallying or not. :rolleyes:
Slung the blackcurrant mix into a filter bag thing over a big pan, using a sun umbrella as a support. It is still dripping very slowly.
Once finished, add the sugar syrup and bottle. (Shouldn't really but we are not going to find a big conatiner to leave it in for the supposed 3 months. It isn't wine we are making.)

Got stopped by "le pleaud" tother day just as we had got onto the mountain road, first time for AGES.
Waved in and the blokey has a very intense look at the front of the Pluriel. Comes to my window and asks if we are British. (It isn't only Brit plod that ask daft questions!) Meanwhile I had reached for my "baise en ville" to get out my papiers etc.
"Yep" sez I. "Are u on 'oliday or du yu leeve 'ere?" quoth he. Not stoopid, as if we did, what were we doing on Brit plates. "A bit of both, we have a résidence secondaire 'ere." "Where?" I give him the name of the hamlet. "OK c'est bon" and he waves me away. Didn't want to see papiers for either me or the car. Very strange. I think we must be integrating a bit!
He weren't the gendarmes routiers, he were the town poliss.

Had dins at lunchtime as we is off to hear some jazz this eve.
Have a lovely eve one and all!
Poliss in f/land will be more active than usual at the mo, lots of - nuisance - shall we say, to disrupt the oh lim picks. Pootin being blamed for stirring up trouble on account he didn't get an invite this time round. Pollis probably checking you weren't on your way to blow up a railway line ----- :eek:
Poliss in f/land will be more active than usual at the mo, lots of - nuisance - shall we say, to disrupt the oh lim picks. Pootin being blamed for stirring up trouble on account he didn't get an invite this time round. Pollis probably checking you weren't on your way to blow up a railway line ----- :eek:
All the way from the Tarn??
that'd be it!!
Well tonight's jazz is off.
W's gut playing her up something chronic again.
Again we ate at lunchtime to be sure we could go.
We have now agreed that if we are going to go out in the evening we will not eat a main meal at all.
Seriously hoping the surgeon and any subsequent op will sort her out. She is getting desperate. :(:(:(
...that I have had a result (of sorts). :cool:
I am so sick of seeing my poor wife struggling to deal with her mother's garden.
She works so hard, hurts herself in the process and gets little or no thanks from the old bat.
She asks me to participate but having hurt myself on the ungrateful old biddies garden last year I refuse (which causes friction between us). :(
I put my oar in again yesterday and I went and found a recommended local gardening service to sort it all and then do ongoing maintenance. The initial "blitz" will cost £240 & the cost of a skip.
Ongoing thereafter will be 2 hrs every fortnight @ £28/Hr.
I will be so glad to see my darling relieved of this awful burden and thankless task.
Her mother has the money for it but is quite happy to see her daughter run herself into the ground for "free".
She's just not all there or sensible any more (the old biddy, not my darling) ;)
Less money for the parasite to have
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Well done on finding this, love it.
Personally I totally cannot get excited about the limpicks.
And Macron is using them as an excuse for not sorting out the total mess he has caused.
The editorials in the local press are ripping him apart at the seams.

He is one totally unloved mother-flipper! 🤣