I would just like to say

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Me and boyo more or less finished off the job of clearing a 2 metre margin around the "field". in places it's a lot wider, we got a bit carried away.
So in all about 9 hours work for two blokes.
I am SO unused to this physical work!
then off shopping and to see some peeps.

I am still spitting feathers at the fact that our house insurance for the UK has flown up from £350 odd to £550 odd, for exactly the same cover! (only just received it in the post bag from the UK). Plus they took the money off W's credit card and it was only on ringing up about it I was told this was exactly the last day in which I was still in the "cooling off" period.

As we go away so long each year it isn't easy to "gocompare" as there aren't that many companies that would cover us. So we are having to "suck it up" as they say.
I will be writing to them to get them to justify this horrendous increase but I doubt it'll do much good.

Have any of yous had this sort of thing with house insurance?