Afternoon folks

Did another 1hrs work this am 7:30 -8:30 stacking wood, then the sun got to the wood pile and we were leaking so that was that. Back in for freshly squeezed orange juice.
Should finish the last load stacking tomorrow and so the shed will be full. next load will be at the house so close if the snow/rain gets to bad.
Went to town yesterday and got some personnel man scaping stuff (head hair

) so it was a number 8 on the back patio late afternoon, left the birds a fair pile of nice warm nesting

. Just got fed up having to go to the Barber. M says I look younger not sure if that's a good thing

So its been high 30s today.
Cooked some boiled eggs and some salmon fillets. now in the fridge to go with the salad this evening.
Been drinking water like its going out of fashion

Next problem is the likelihood of wildfires, couple of hedgerows and stubble fields (luckily stubble harvest in) on fire when we went into town firemen on it, but they are gonna be busy for a while.