I would just like to say

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Can't go to bed just yet as it is still light so the hens will still be out.
Having consumed a bot of wine each I think I'll hit the Jamieson until nightfall. Can't even flipping spell it, will HAVE to get the bot out!

Ok it's Jameson.
Still triple distilled as is all Oirish whiskey! If you go for the cheap stuff go for this, although Famouse Grouse is a good second.
I'm rambling.......

Off to the fridge to get some ice!
Drink water before bed though.
A very sad time but you must take great comfort from making such a difficult decision for the good of the dog - you did the very best for her at all times and I'm sure she had a wonderful life. It's such a pity that their lifespan is not the same as ours.
That is so right. We have pictures of all our dogs all over the place to remind us of all the brill times we had with them.
Molly was the last dog that we bred, up till her we always kept a bitch from a litter and then bred from her. So she is the last of a line. I don't think we will ever breed again.

As for the decision, watching a dog circling round the floor, going up to her bowl full of cool water, seeing her standing over it but still not realising that to get it into her system she had to lap some. and witnessing this over the past 4 days. Over and over again. It broke our hearts. We tried everything you can imagine to get her to both eat and drink, to no avail. I have to hope my memories of her will not be of this. She was the longest lived of all our dogs. Yes, she did have a great life.
Thanks for this! :)
Ok, time to fess up.
We had to have Molly put to sleep tonight.
First time we have ever had to do this with any dog.
Everyone was totally in agreement, her brain was fried, she had cancer of the liver and her quality of life was zilch.
With all the other dogs we have ever owned this was the first time.
So not a fun time even though all the staff were lovely about it.
So we went to the producers' market, met loads of friends, got well sozzled and felt their support. Ate well too.
W is now in bed and I am sitting here grizzling a bit.

Still 15.5 years is a good innings.
R.I.P Molly. :(:(:(

Oh no so very sorry, yous must be heart broken. 😢😢 I found vids of my Theia tonight, she died in our arms last year.
Its so hard when they go, I gave her a last run in my van with all her stuff as she loved being in it, before putting her to rest. :(

R.I.P Molly run free.
Oh no so very sorry, yous must be heart broken. 😢😢 I found vids of my Theia tonight, she died in our arms last year.
Its so hard when they go, I gave her a last run in my van with all her stuff as she loved being in it, before putting her to rest. :(

R.I.P Molly run free.
Cheers mate!
Molly had a last run down the mountain in the car before she had to go. as all of them, she did love the cars. ;)
That is so right. We have pictures of all our dogs all over the place to remind us of all the brill times we had with them.
Molly was the last dog that we bred, up till her we always kept a bitch from a litter and then bred from her. So she is the last of a line. I don't think we will ever breed again.

As for the decision, watching a dog circling round the floor, going up to her bowl full of cool water, seeing her standing over it but still not realising that to get it into her system she had to lap some. and witnessing this over the past 4 days. Over and over again. It broke our hearts. We tried everything you can imagine to get her to both eat and drink, to no avail. I have to hope my memories of her will not be of this. She was the longest lived of all our dogs. Yes, she did have a great life.
Thanks for this! :)
So sorry to hear, Stan. As I’ve said before, the pain is the price we pay for unconditional love. The sadness will as you know soon be moved aside to make way for the wonderful memories. Keep the faith.