I would just like to say

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Going to put a water butt filler fing on me castle drain pipe. Need some hose ferrit to run over to me garage guttering. Was in homebase and seen the hoses so bort one. Got home to realise me hose ain't big enuff in diamter to go on the fitting.
Went to the Costa del Jura for the weekend and met some of the locals


Stopped at a friend’s house and the locals came for a closer look


Went up round the Paps of Jura and climbed a very steep track (in a hilux 😳)


Then saw a deer having a baby. Was a struggle to take a picture through the binoculars though

Oh dear, must have posted what I posted about it preemptively as hadn't read this before posting.
Sorry, mate.
It must take quite a while to dry out won't it?

Need to hope a concretisery type comes on to advise.

Ive just left it as it is, I was wanting to polish it no point doing that now. I might epoxy it now or put some nice matting down
there are some fancy stuff out on the tinterweb. :cool:
If you play by the roolz apparently yes, as you say, far too easy!!!

We watch that program sometimes not sure what its called percent club or somit, I get 99% of the questions very quickly
but the misses cant get them so I have to explain the answer, but when it comes to other programs like mastermind ect
she gets 99% of the questions & I havent a clue so I feel like a right thicko lol.
Just shows how we are not good at everything & how our brains work in different ways. :)
I would love to.
Once I've got the utility room finished and W's Speedster done up and sold, so in about 2030, i'd imagine.
By then you'll have put all the bits together and built yourself a noo one!!🤣🤣🤣

How much would you get for the speedster the way it sits, how much once its done up. Is it really worth the time & effort/costs
to put right or will it balance itself out. ;)

Find it really hard to believe that you didn't already have all that stuff. I have and I don't even have any motybikes!!
Did you have to buy a feeler gauge too?
I use 3/8 stuff in preference to 1/2 unless I really have to, you can get it into spaces you can't get into otherwise. Tip given me a very long time ago by an oldskool mechanic.
Fair point. My only defence is that ive hardly used it for the thick end of ten years and never thought to change the plug until now. :)
Years ago the filthy tratterers would regularly invade the Freelander section to offer advise like burn it, fit a v8, its rubbish etc. They did so for fun, envious of our beautiful reliable Freelanders. Often a crowd of them would turn up making the place a mess while dragging their nuckles frew the flower beds. We did on occasion have a head gasket or vcu fail. Yer have to bear in mind thems doing this were poking fun at our Freelanders, whilst owning drafty damp biscuit tins on wheels. Never before has a vehicle bin so good that it needs so many mods to make it bearable. So this fred was created in retaliation. It grew from there. For many years eye said tratterers were slagging oft our Freelanders so they would drop in price so they could buy them cheap. Many tratterers did.

Welcome to me fred.
Was that a dream or a nightmare 😂😂
Moring all a bloody cat has walked over my concrete & left feet prints on it, not sure if I can wet it & re-float it them out or
wait till its dry & fill em in. I wanted to board up the garage so nowt went in for this reason n my mate said a cat wont make
much of a print in it. Must have been a fat cat. 🤣 🤣
That's the norm we done some at a university had aris fence all around just befor home time had a professor move the fence and walk through it then complained that he got concrete in his snake skin shoes wasn't mutch of a professor as he didn't now what a ------t Was