I would just like to say

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Yea my exams wernt fun and it's a grass allergy. I have to cut the grass today too. :(
When I read this I have masses of sympathy for you. I got like that when I hit about 21.
But that was back in the day when a hospital could do allergy testing then prescribe a course of subcutaneous injections which desensitised the patient to the allergen. so after three of those my allergies went away.

They don't do it now cos too many stoopids wouldn't wait in the doctor's waiting room after the jab for the requisite 1 hour. So some died from anaphylaxis. Typical. :mad::mad::mad: Swathes of people now still suffering needlessly due to a few idiots.

There used to be 2 hospitals that still did it, but I doubt they still do. :(:(:(
Been having some issues wif me motybike, decided to change the plug.
New plug 15 squids
Plug socket 9 squids (too bleedin fat)
Narrow wall plug socket, anuvver 9 squids
3/8 socket set (chinesium) to suit narrow wall socket 10 squids
Doozil used while nobbin about gerrin above, 5 squids

What a pavlova, would have taken even more nobbin but for the internet tellin me where stuff could be got from.

Have a nice Sunday folks, is wall to wall blue down ere. 😎
Find it really hard to believe that you didn't already have all that stuff. I have and I don't even have any motybikes!!
Did you have to buy a feeler gauge too?
I use 3/8 stuff in preference to 1/2 unless I really have to, you can get it into spaces you can't get into otherwise. Tip given me a very long time ago by an oldskool mechanic.
Oh no, have you tried allevia. I had to stop riding my motorbike for a while when it was bad. The non drowsy meds felt like I had a skinful
When I first got it my dad gave me one of his Piriton. Gawd I felt like I'd had a proper skinful, and not in a nice way.
So there you go, you have an allergy and then you discover you have an allergy to the anti-allergy tablets.
Couldn't make it up really!!!:(
I'm ok with loratadine based meds, as I have a birch pollen based allergy type, also celery ...weird me :cool:
Not that weird really. I know peeps allergic to mushrooms, pineapple, eggs, our new neighbour plus out eldest is dairy prods and W with fish, crushedasians and gluten.
With me it's soap or other stuff with perfume etc in it. and for both of us its non-"sensitive" washing powders.
(Yes I do still wash, well a bit!);););)🤣🤣🤣
Tree mould was one of the three they kicked off from me. along with grass pollen and house dust mite (poop).
Some of them are a real peach. Seat, tank, slacken the coil, fight yer way through the secondary air hoses, move the thermostat, narrow wall plug socket, short extension, check there’s nort to fall down the recess and then gingerly lift the thing out. And that’s just some tricked-up 125. Who thinks this nonsense up?
I trust this was invented by some of those Wiley Oriental Gentlemen, if I may be allowed to say so?
Or peeps who invent Chinese puzzles! I only ever woorked on AJS, Triumph, and Matchless which were old even then, back in the early 70s. (My mate's stuff)
Trial packing for Holland is going OK.

It is a rather heavy load to be towing, but I hope Newtonian laws of motion will come to my aid as required. :)
Moring all a bloody cat has walked over my concrete & left feet prints on it, not sure if I can wet it & re-float it them out or
wait till its dry & fill em in. I wanted to board up the garage so nowt went in for this reason n my mate said a cat wont make
much of a print in it. Must have been a fat cat. 🤣 🤣
Oh dear, must have posted what I posted about it preemptively as hadn't read this before posting.
Sorry, mate.
It must take quite a while to dry out won't it?

Need to hope a concretisery type comes on to advise.
W currently laughing her head off about Manchester airport being shut down due to powercut.
So many times she had to ask "When was the last time you tested your emergency back up systems?" and found out "errr, dunno". Some were brilliant cos they used back up systems based in old cold-war bunkers. Great power supply etc.
She worked with all sorts of companies, including hospitals.
Generator room key missing, connection between generator room and main building not working, not everything paper based so no one could find anything, (couldn't exactly look on the pooter could they!) generator simply wouldn't start or would but then wouldn't keep going, etc ,etc.

Not funny really. Wouldn't be amused if our holiday was up the spout!
It'll cost them a fortune in damages. :(:(:(:(:(
I trust this was invented by some of those Wiley Oriental Gentlemen, if I may be allowed to say so?
Or peeps who invent Chinese puzzles! I only ever woorked on AJS, Triumph, and Matchless which were old even then, back in the early 70s. (My mate's stuff)
Ondas, KTMs, Yamaha, you name it they all do it. And when it comes to drive size I’m frequently down to 1/4”!
Ondas, KTMs, Yamaha, you name it they all do it. And when it comes to drive size I’m frequently down to 1/4”!
As I said I only ever worked on "one rev per lampost" single or twin pot type bikes, except for the Trumph 650, which was a cool one.
But I did once borrow a small torque wrench off a bikist mate of mine as it did torques from 0 to very low. Can't remember what I needed it for.
I too have 1/4 inch stuff. My family generally buys me tools for Xmas, buffdays etc.
I don't think I'll ever ride a bike although I do sometimes get a quiet little urge for one. W would veto it fast as flip if I ever voiced it, and no one in the family rides one.
Did once help a neighbour with his racing Kwacka. That was a beast, but only to get the reluctant head off a cylinder.
All good fun!
Lovely day yesterday atcar and bike show in Stone Staffs. Great people, food and a bar, it was in the Brewary grounds 😃


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