I would just like to say

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Just had a stand oft wiv me squirrel. He looked around fer nuts then sat on me garage apex as there weren't any. Avvin me breakfust while watching him. This went on fer 10 mins. Eye then opened the top window. 5 mins later dropped a nut oot. 2 mins kater he came down and found it. That is the closest to hand feeding eye has gottid so far.
I wonder if our own Landyzone head office, have special day for group hugs and performance results from human resources.


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Saw some baby moorhens and they are so wee.
Then off to a local farm shop for some bits. Can't keep the smile off my face and it's the happiest I've felt in a long while.

Some on the ship....
Got a pair of nesting oyster catchers sitting on 3 eggs & a pair of black guillemot feeding 2 chicks I'll see if I can get a pic of them.
Oh an a baby Pigeon just hatched too. :cool:
... That the ols worktops I cut into slabs yesterday got taken to the tip and disposed of.

The18mm MDF board has all been cut to fit all of the cupboards backs on the kitchen island cupboards.
Awaiting the Oak battens ordered for the decorative finish once it has all been painted satin black.
I am hoping it will look quite classy when completed. :)