Just to let you know.
It was supposed to be rainy today, (It hasn't been.

So I decided to carry on with stripping down the faulty dishwasher that we are getting rid of. I had already taken the outer covers and a few other bits off. I was just doing this to reduce the weight so I could put it in the back if the Disco without giving me another hernia!
So yessdi got it down to the bottom section.
Moved it outside on the covered patio and cracked on.
First thing I found that I didn't expect was a huge chunk of concrete. Seen 'em on washing machines, obvs, but an oblong bit of heavy conrete once shifted lightened the rest somewhat!
Then eventually got the underplate off. Underneath was the biggest mouses nest I have ever seen.
View attachment 319052
When shifting that I rapidly realised that it was this that had killed the DW.
View attachment 319053
So the only damage was a few wires eaten through that would have been very easy to fix plus a hole in a pipe that again would have been an easy fix.

Where the coca-cola coloured water came from I do not know, unless the mouses nest acted like a sort of teabag when the water came out of that there 'ole!
So a bit annoying seeing as how half of it was already down the dump.
Every day is a skool day!
Got no need or room for it anyway.
(Did you notice the karma??!!)
So went down the mountain to take it and various other bits to the dump, the rain that was forecast for most of the day materialised in a few drops, but no 6:45 pm, it has finally broken and we are having "une bonne drache"!! (That lasted about 10 minutes.)
Enjoy the evening folks!