spent some time today working on the carb.
Took inlet fuel pipe off the tank, separated all the parts, blew through the inlet filter and checked it was passing air, by sucking on it, seemed OK.
Then realised that as the end that went over the barbed connector on the filter had got too wide for me to be able to push it down back into the tank, and there was no way I was going to be able to perform sufficent obstetrics to be able to insert it from inside the tank, was forced to cut a diagonal in the end then one in the tank, cut it square and refit the filter with its retaining spring. (the filter end was too narrow to be able to put on the pipes into the carb.) So it is now a fraction short. Nothing wrong with the pipes either.

Took the carb off, had no carb cleaner but did perform the aforementioned butchery to enable me to alter the tickover:
And the L and H jets:
Not easy to see but the "pacman" V shaped cutouts, which are on all three of these to stop peeps using a screwdriver or other conventional tool, can just about be made out. I made marks on the housing of the L and H jets to remember where the pacman marks were before I started twiddling them.
Then I made up a foam filter from an old washing up scrub.:
I also made sure the tank cap was breathing properly.
So, put it all back together, put some fool in the tank and tried to start it.
It started straightaway and ran like flip at full throttle, so I adjusted it to where it seemed reasonable.
Backed off the throttle and ....... no....... it still wouldn't idle.
So turned the idle screw up.
No better AND it had flooded so I had to "de-flood" it before it would start again.
Again ran like mad on full throttle, but again..... no tickover.
So wound the tickoever jet a bit to the right to lean it.....
Still wouldn't restart until I de-flooded it.
And still no tickover.

So not a happy chappy.
Took the exhaust off to look at the spark arrester. Which is basically just a load or wire wool inside it.
Had no blow torch to burn the excess carbon off, had to take the dog to the vets and do some shopping so left it while we did this.
Vet and us had a big chat re the dog, she is still not convinced it (the smell) is her back teeth although agrees she needs to lose 4 molars,

but she is being treated for another problem to do with folds of skin either side of the bottom jaw right near her lips.
So she'll be back for surgery 14th of the month.
So amongst the shopping went to Leclerc Auto, which is like Halfords only with a garage attached. To buy carb cleaner.
Which I couldn't as they don't stock it.

So off to Bricomarché to buy a blowlamp, which they did stock.
And that is the state of play.
Weather been meh!
Hope you all had a good day!