So noo kitchen = noo pots and pans etc! Love it!

You really are going to town!
We have one copper pan, the sort that professional chefs use, sometimes, from Villedieu-les-Poeles in Normandy, 15cms across. They are total barstaff to keep clean and shiny. And they rquire the insides re-tinning from time to time which costs an absolute fortune.
So although we see them in auction lots sometimes, whole sets go quite cheap, but we would never buy them. Have a look at the state of the insides of these mothers!
Maybe you are getting more modern ones which look after themselves a lot better! I know some come with stainless insides.
My tip to keeping them looking good, apart from not using them is to, once clean, coat them in cooking oil inside and out and use that as polish. They'll look good for quite a long time without too much effort.