That would work if the "grass" was all in an accessible place, was of a large enough area and there were few obstacles and steep slopes.
This is only partially true of one piece of our land which we don't use. But it is full of brambles, ferns etc and wouldn't make good sileage.
There is one bloke locally who does it for others but he is not a nice bloke and damages stuff so we'd never employ him.
So until recently we let another bloke put his donkeys on it and he promised that at the end of the season he'd come in with a tractor and a "giro" and clear the whole area of the stuff the donkeys wouldn't touch.
He did this precisely once.
He then the follwoing year put the donks back on, never did the clearing, said his drive shaft was fubar but never did anything about it, or he couldn't be bothered. The following year the donkeys were starving and even pushing the fence over to eat our pampas grass, so we told him and he came and put an electric fence in. But the donkeys got thinner to the point where we were feeding them. There was obviously not enough stuff that was palatable to them. So we told him to come and get them and that the "deal" was off.
Since then we have had to pay a bloke to come and do the area. Not cheap but a heck of a lot easier than me trying to do it with my machine.
As for the rest, it is doable with the machine and I have just given the first cut to a lot of it and a deeper cut to the stuff round the front of the house, i.e. the car park bit and the approaches to it. I have to stop after a couple of tankfuls of fuel to avoid white finger, plus the dust makes me cough, normally I chew stuff or wear a mask but today I never expected there to be much dust.

Next cut will be round the nadgery and sloped stuff, (imagine an orchard on a slope with low hanging branches) plus in and out of raised beds, a poly tunnel, the chicken run, the raspberry cage, etc. I may get that finished, at least the first cut, by the end of the day. It'll be showery tomoz so I will have to crack on.
We don't have all that much land, (by the standards of country places round here), .6 of a hectare and much of that has gravel and flower beds plus the pool and its slabbed area. But if I let the grass grow any higher the machine really has trouble coping and it gets to be very stop start. As it is I have just caught it in time.
Enjoy the rest of your day!