I would just like to say

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The compact? Or do you mean the compactor?
No, he means the not very successful TV soap.
totally forgettable, in fact I think I have forgotten it already!
We hired a hydraulic compactor once. It was jolly good fun. It was one of those things with a separate motor and hydraulic unit, and hoses leading to the tool itself. We had a flat 'punner' on it and compacted trench bottoms for footings. You could put chisels in it as well and use it as a breaker. I'd like another one one day.

I've just had a look. They're actually quite reasonably priced secondhand
Had a couple of these in my pockets all day, very toasty.:):):)

Are they single-use only?
I remember lads having some you could reuse by boiling them in a saucepan.
They were like squishy breast implants until used, then they were a hard disc. Which softened in the boiling water.

They are single use ones ive tried the ones you put in boiling water an found they were very poor after the 2nd use.
I did look at the rechargeable ones but its the hassle of finding where id left them an remembering to charge em.
Chuck a box of the ones above an I know where they are. Ive had them in my pockets since just after 1pm & they
are still very warm. :) :)