If you're rich, it's a lot easier to keep things confidential. "No of course this house isn't mine. It's owned by a holding company in Uruguay, that's majority owned by another company in Singapore that just happens to let me have the keys." It's just us brokies that get looked at.
Mind you, there doesn't seem to be much by way of enforcement. Here in the UK, a lot of things have been effectively decriminalised. Shoplifting, burglary, a lot of drug offences, even the kids who twist the wing mirrors off your car - the likelihood of any penalty being imposed is pretty low. Not much seems to happen with regard to debt either. I can think of a couple of people who've accumulated quite substantial credit card debts and just stopped paying them. If you're prepared to be bloody minded about it and don't answer the phone, screen callers at your door via a camera and chuck the letters in the bin, it's surprising what you can get away with. Council tax, unpaid fines and VAT might be a bit difficult to do that with, because they have relatively greater powers. But most bog standard debts seem to be very poorly enforced.