I would just like to say

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And in case anyone is innerested, her's that sink mounted on that supporting wall.
Fust bit o tiling I ever did an all. Have yet to hide the fugly bits unner the sink!

Obvs, and I doubt they'd go digging at randam, but as I said to W as soon as I heard about it, what scrote is going to be daft enough to put ill gotten gains in a abnk account once they know this is happening. They'll find some way to squirrel it away.
It'll be peeps who don't realise they have made an honest mistake who'll get caught.:(
I fink it will be aimed at thems who mistakenly say they're below the savings limit when they're clearly not. Peeps struggle to not use banks these days as most companies pay direct to bank accounts only. So that traps peeps who earn who say they dun't. Also in/out transanction history can indicate signs of wealth. Yer may only have 10 sovs left but 2k sovs went in and out per month every month.
I fink it will be aimed at thems who mistakenly say they're below the savings limit when they're clearly not. Peeps struggle to not use banks these days as most companies pay direct to bank accounts only. So that traps peeps who earn who say they dun't. Also in/out transanction history can indicate signs of wealth. Yer may only have 10 sovs left but 2k sovs went in and out per month every month.
Can't help but agree that thanks to banks having a grip on everyone by their short and curlies, Big Brother will eventually catch up with peeps.
Gone are the days! Wifey's step-granny managed to draw two pensions till the day she died. One in her real name with her real marriage certificate to another man, (she never married the second man she lived with and no one ever knew what happened to her original husband) and another in the name of W's real grandmother who married her grandfather but walked out on him leaving the baby behind. It helped that both wimmin were called Dorothy. Went to two different post offices, not difficult in Brum! No one knew about this until she died and both pension books were found in her handbag! 🤣 🤣 🤣
Can't help but agree that thanks to banks having a grip on everyone by their short and curlies, Big Brother will eventually catch up with peeps.
Gone are the days! Wifey's step-granny managed to draw two pensions till the day she died. One in her real name with her real marriage certificate to another man, (she never married the second man she lived with and no one ever knew what happened to her original husband) and another in the name of W's real grandmother who married her grandfather but walked out on him leaving the baby behind. It helped that both wimmin were called Dorothy. Went to two different post offices, not difficult in Brum! No one knew about this until she died and both pension books were found in her handbag! 🤣 🤣 🤣
Who found oot when she snuffed it? Authoritiess? If so did she have assets to pay back?
I'll have a look next time I go and dig a bit deeper. Should be able to find a manual / parts list online.
I've seen ovens vented at the front when they're built into the kitchen units. Generally with freestanding ones the vent is at the back behind the rings, but if they're built in this isn't possible.
Can't help but agree that thanks to banks having a grip on everyone by their short and curlies, Big Brother will eventually catch up with peeps.
Gone are the days! Wifey's step-granny managed to draw two pensions till the day she died. One in her real name with her real marriage certificate to another man, (she never married the second man she lived with and no one ever knew what happened to her original husband) and another in the name of W's real grandmother who married her grandfather but walked out on him leaving the baby behind. It helped that both wimmin were called Dorothy. Went to two different post offices, not difficult in Brum! No one knew about this until she died and both pension books were found in her handbag! 🤣 🤣 🤣
In the same sort of way, I've got two National Insurance numbers. A lot of people get them issued automatically, but by the time I was around 19 and I needed one for work and benefits payments I had to apply for one, because I hadn't got one, or so I thought. It was only when my mother died that I discovered that I had got one after all, and she'd hidden it away and not told me about it. I've not succeeded in monetising this in any way, but it's handy to have a spare, just in case I ever need a new identity.
Just in case any of us are drawing their state pension, as if!
Are we all aware that in the not too distant future the govt intends to possibly look into your bank accounts without your say so?

Preposterous!! :mad:
It's a f::::n cheak from a bunch of criminals we should be able to look into theirs but you wouldn't find eny underhanded stuff cos thay hide it all thinking of transferring to my bank over here let them try and get access to that if things carry on like this in the UK you would be better of with a dictatorship makes my blood boil your human rights are being erased on a weekly bases
Lots to worry about tax was only introduced as a precautionary measure and look at it now ok if you don't mind people knowing when you have a in the morning or afternoon
When yer buy a house wiv a loan the bank and soliciter will do a search on yer to see wot yer gottid. It will show all bank accounts. Credit facilities etc. There ain't anyfink to worry about if yer got nowt to hide.
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If you're rich, it's a lot easier to keep things confidential. "No of course this house isn't mine. It's owned by a holding company in Uruguay, that's majority owned by another company in Singapore that just happens to let me have the keys." It's just us brokies that get looked at.

Mind you, there doesn't seem to be much by way of enforcement. Here in the UK, a lot of things have been effectively decriminalised. Shoplifting, burglary, a lot of drug offences, even the kids who twist the wing mirrors off your car - the likelihood of any penalty being imposed is pretty low. Not much seems to happen with regard to debt either. I can think of a couple of people who've accumulated quite substantial credit card debts and just stopped paying them. If you're prepared to be bloody minded about it and don't answer the phone, screen callers at your door via a camera and chuck the letters in the bin, it's surprising what you can get away with. Council tax, unpaid fines and VAT might be a bit difficult to do that with, because they have relatively greater powers. But most bog standard debts seem to be very poorly enforced.
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If you're rich, it's a lot easier to keep things confidential. "No of course this house isn't mine. It's owned by a holding company in Uruguay, that's majority owned by another company in Singapore that just happens to let me have the keys." It's just us brokies that get looked at.

Mind you, there doesn't seem to by much by way of enforcement. Here in the UK, a lot of things have been effectively decriminalised. Shoplifting, burglary, a lot of drug offences, even the kids who twist the wing mirrors off your car - the likelihood of any penalty being imposed is pretty low. Not much seems to happen with regard to debt either. I can think of a couple of people who've accumulated quite substantial credit card debts and just stopped paying them. If you're prepared to be bloody minded about it and don't answer the phone, screen callers at your door via a camera and chuck the letters in the bin, it's surprising what you can get away with. Council tax, unpaid fines and VAT might be a bit difficult to do that with, because they have relatively greater powers. But most bog standard debts seem to be very poorly enforced.

When my husband passed away he owed £6,000 on one Credit Card, they hassled me for ages at least two years to come to some sort of 'payment plan' ...
Not my card, not in my name, not even as secondary card holder ...
Mid-Morning All. :D
Have been up since 8 but had a call with a mate, then time with herself doing puzzles etc. :)
MIL (94) just rang to ask if (when we go shopping) we could get her some toothpaste.
Now, We have gone shopping for her on Tuesday, Thursday & Friday and it's only on Saturday she asks?
Wife says no, I'm not going shopping I will bring you some toothpaste when I come up today.
MIL says, "You are coming up?" (Wife always goes up on a Saturday to deliver the meat she got for her Ma on the Friday).
"Oh what day is it?" Silly old gal has been reading today's paper with the day/date emblazoned across the top but doesn't know what day it is?
I hope to goodness I die before I go Ga-ga....... Oh wait it's too late. 🤣
Betteren getting your wish come true?
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When my husband passed away he owed £6,000 on one Credit Card, they hassled me for ages at least two years to come to some sort of 'payment plan' ...
Not my card, not in my name, not even as secondary card holder ...
With that sort of thing unless you'd signed as a guarantor, they'd have great difficulty getting any money. All they can do is write you stiff letters. I don't know if you found this, but after a while the letters assume a wheedling, almost pathetic tone. 'Mrs. Smith, please work with us to resolve this . . .' If you respond, it encourages them as it shows it's a 'live' contact.