Morning All.

Another wonderful day of retired freedom here.

Shame about all the family kerfuffle that tries to spoil it.

Wife's giving up her tenure of the box-room so a bed can go in there for a Grand-kid.
Lots going on.
Have a great day.
Despite never having had kids, my ex always appropriated the 2nd bedroom in our 2 up 2 down, then the 3rd bedroom in our next 2 houses as her "study".
Somehow I was always expected to do my marking and prep just anywhere else.
Now W has turned our second biggest bedroom into a "workroom" and complains that I make a mess in there.

I have precisely one table and the floorspace underneath, she has a huge table, the floor underneath it and all around it as well as the whole of the third wall, which she says "she", i.e me, will be attaching industrial shelving to to take her stuff off the floor. (Which i am sure will then just fill up again.) The 4th wall is of course the built in wardrobe in which she stores the clothes that she cannot get into the fitted wardrobe in the main bedroom and the stand alone one in the third bedroom.
And in the wine room (4th bedroom) she has "her" desk, which contains all sorts of important documents that I never see, (nor want to!) and in the study she has 2 drawers of the 4 drawer filing cabinet.
Which of Parkinson's laws is it that states "rubbish expands to take up all space available"?
Ridiculously, if someone comes to stay we have to either empty the room we use to store stuff to be taken to France next time we go 3rd bedroom) or expect them to sleep on the "Click-Clack" in the lounge.
I do sympathise with those trying to shoehorn a lathe into a shed/workshop.