I would just like to say

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Pretty sure i passed one coming the other way in Hillhead a coupla weeks ago. Good write up in one of the recent Landy mags anorl.
Still far to much electrickery for my blood I'm afraid.
Open the door, load the mutts, gerrin, start, drive. Check the fluids now and again. 🙃
The best pickup line in a Hull disco is apparently "eeee... yer doesn't sweat much for a fat lass does ye?"
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!!!!!
"ye"???????? In Hull???????
In what century.????? 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
I'll translate:
"Tha dern't swet mutch fer a fat lass doo thi? Letz av a dance, eny rerd!"
To which the answer will be "Danz wi mi mait, am swetin!";)
It must depend where you live, I have one about 10 minutes away. But admittedly it hasn't been there all that long. Nearest next one is about 20 mins away on a very good traffic day.:(
I spose you might be abke to get stuff delivered but then you always want it "now" don't you. :(:(:(

Not much traffic to screwfix but 40 mins drive.
Just got a lovely sort of Christmas message.
From an ex student who wanted to thank me for "the incredibly valuable life lessons you bestowed upon me"!!! :stars: :stars: :stars:
Didn't even know he had my email address.
I vividly remember a presentation he made on some form of modern dance he did, and competed in. At one point he was in the top 10 dancers in the world. Until this presentation I never even knew he had any particular gift at all!
Haven't seen or heard from him in about 9 years.
Gives a nice warm feeling inside!!!:):):):)
Just got a lovely sort of Christmas message.
From an ex student who wanted to thank me for "the incredibly valuable life lessons you bestowed in me"!!! :stars: :stars: :stars:
Didn't even know he had my email address.
I vividly remember the penetration, dance he did. At one point he was in my top 10. Until this penetration I never even knew he had any particular gift at all!
Haven't seen or heard from him in about 9 years.
Gives a nice warm feeling inside!!!

Fixed that for ye 🤣🤣🤣
Raising my glass to wish @WhiskyLassie a Happy buff day. ;)

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!!!!!
"ye"???????? In Hull???????
In what century.????? 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
I'll translate:
"Tha dern't swet mutch fer a fat lass doo thi? Letz av a dance, eny rerd!"
To which the answer will be "Danz wi mi mait, am swetin!";)
A Yorkshire man went to a a monumental mason to get a headstone for his deceased missus. Asked for the words "She was thine" to be carved on it. When he saw the finished job he complained that it read "She was thin", pointing out to the mason he had missed the "e" out. So the mason sent him to the pub and told him to be back in half an hour. On his return, he saw it now read "EEE, she was thin".

I'll get me coat, again.
A Yorkshire man went to a a monumental mason to get a headstone for his deceased missus. Asked for the words "She was thine" to be carved on it. When he saw the finished job he complained that it read "She was thin", pointing out to the mason he had missed the "e" out. So the mason sent him to the pub and told him to be back in half an hour. On his return, he saw it now read "EEE, she was thin".

I'll get me coat, again.

Grave mistake init 🤣