Right then friends im going in for @n opp on thursd@y morning suspected tumour on my left

been for ultr@sound sc@n on frid@y c@use its been swollen for weeks, been
on @ntibioticts for 2 weeks @s they s@id it looks like @ re@lly b@d infection but will t@ke
3 months before it would st@rt to go b@ck to norm@l. The only w@y to confirm is under @
microscope. I left the hospit@l on frid@y 10 mins l@ter I got @ c@ll to go to the speci@list
first thing s@t morning, now h@d @ c@ll from the top ch@p @t the hossy, so im h@ving my
left nut removed @n @ mot on thursd@y, including @ full body sc@n wh@t ever th@t is.
plus @ he@rt tr@cer thingy.