I would just like to say

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We are not in Winter yet and the average daily energy cost is running at £9.97/day.
That's £310 per month. :(
Avg. daily Kwh Electric is 16.34 and Gas is 34.6
I reckon that real winter temperatures will see the gas triple but the electric only increase marginally.
What really annoys me is that the Admin charge is running at 6% for electric and 7% for Gas. That's for doing what? I take the readings, they send me an e-bill.
Aren't their costs of supply part of their business costs? Why am I paying? Its a scandal. :mad:
Does the Supermarket charge you for producing the till receipt? NO.
Is that the network charge that went up to cover the cost of the energy companies that went bust. Or have they seperated their own admin charge for running yer account, which is their running cost devided by number of meters they have.
We'z thinkin of puttin the tombola dryer on.:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Also Octopussy have got us to enrol on this "use as little leccy as you can" between the hours of 5 and 6 this p.m. i.e. today, which will be no sweat. 'Parently you win money if you use less than you "normally" do.:eek:
Have they got some little leprechaun sitting in our meter making notes?
Feck me, "Big Brother is watching you(r meter).

And W is unwell and in her bed today, even cancelled her sewing gig. So I'll be able to control her use of sparks.
We'll see how few groats we make.
Either the meter can remember how much yer used and when, or they will read it at 5 and 6 to see the difference. Either way yer helping to reduce peak demand which is a good fing.
Dunno how they work. thought they read the meter down the leccy cables or summit. Or stuck another one in beside it.
you can tell I'm a total ignoramus about this stuff.:(
Originally it did communicate with the lickle box but that was back when with Scottish leccy.
TBH at the end of the day, we have to use what we have to use and we have to pay what we have to pay. We have reduced consumption as much as we can and that's it really.
Just have to grit our teeth and bear it.
Or go and live in the library!!:D:D
There's a gsm modem inside wiv a sim card. It will talk via an antenna. Bit like a fone. Newer ones may be on grps.
3 proper bedrooms, 2 studies ('is-n-'ers), 2 bathrooms, Lounge, Dining Room, Kitchen/Breakfast room, Utility room, Downstairs bog, + Hall & Landing. It all adds up.
But the heat all sits at the top of each room while your feet freeze! LOL :D The TRV's are down at 1 in all rooms we aren't using and only get turned up if we have guests staying in them.
According tothe Energy Co. I use twice what neighbouring properties use (beats me how). :(
Can yer block oft the stairs by closing doors to stop heat going up there. Eye close mme down stairs doors.
I have just received a letter from the hospital which did investigative procedures for a suspected cancer on 4th APRIL informing me that all tests proved to be normal.
I was told I would get the results within 4 to 6 weeks so I suppose I should be grateful that they finally got around to give me the results 7 MONTHS and TWO weeks later.
Is that the network charge that went up to cover the cost of the energy companies that went bust. Or have they seperated their own admin charge for running yer account, which is their running cost devided by number of meters they have.
They don't identify what it is for, just that it is an admin charge "per day". Presumably this is for running the account.
It recently jumped from 24p/day to 38.93p/day.
THEIR costs are their costs to run a business. Given the ridiculous profits they are making gouging each customer in this way is egregious profiteering in my view.
I have just received a letter from the hospital which did investigative procedures for a suspected cancer on 4th APRIL informing me that all tests proved to be normal.
I was told I would get the results within 4 to 6 weeks so I suppose I should be grateful that they finally got around to give me the results 7 MONTHS and TWO weeks later.

Great news even if it did take a long time, im surprized they didnt charge you an admin fee.
Really happy for you tho. :):) Here have a hug & a kiss ;)
I have just received a letter from the hospital which did investigative procedures for a suspected cancer on 4th APRIL informing me that all tests proved to be normal.
I was told I would get the results within 4 to 6 weeks so I suppose I should be grateful that they finally got around to give me the results 7 MONTHS and TWO weeks later.
Not good and it must have been very worrying for you.
So very pleased you don't have it.:):):):)
Hopefully others who do have it are getting the notifications quicker.:eek: