I would just like to say

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My feelings for the peeps who bought it are, as I expect for most of us, how awful and how feckin unfair.
But as for waking up NATO. One's gut says, "yes" but one's head says, "no, that would be stoopid".
As I said, if they really meant do make an incursion into a NATO country (which could end up with the world mutually self-destructing,) they'd have done it in force and WW3 would have kicked off as per when the Germans did it in 1939.
We just have to hope that the Poles, the Ruskies, NATO and the rest of the world keeps their heads.
So far the Ruskies are being the biggest willy wavers, sadly.:(:(:(
That is the thing though, do we know it's actually accidental or a clever ploy. Like the 'accident' near one of our aircraft.
That is the thing though, do we know it's actually accidental or a clever ploy. Like the 'accident' near one of our aircraft.
Unfortunately, double think is a dodgy game. I don't know what the Russians would get out of provoking a massive attack from NATO.
As with Hitler it depends on how bonkers those in charge actually are. :(
The weather cannot be trusted sadly at this time of year.:( I put washing out this afternoon, it is soaked now.
Glad the MH levels itself. Must be a weight off your mind!
The dogs must have got a real shock, poor things. :(
As you may be aware we go away every Christmas. We are going to the Dales, a place we have been to for decades. But we have also been to the Lakes, North Wales and Cornwall. It works for us and the dogs love it. But we now have to book more than a year in advance. Have you looked to see what sites have pitches? Obviously don't know if they get as booked up as self-catering does! Doubt it somehow. But then they may not even be open.
Best of luck with finding somewhere. :):):)
With the new trend of staying at home holidays both of the big clubs have extended their opening season to cater for the numbers who want to book. I would just go up to the mid Wales site that I usually go to and I have put them on stand-by - travelling weather permitted.
Unfortunately, double think is a dodgy game. I don't know what the Russians would get out of provoking a massive attack from NATO.
As with Hitler it depends on how bonkers those in charge actually are. :(
At the risk of double thinking, I think it will transpire that the russkis sent a rocket attack into Ukraine, one of which got hit and partially damaged by Ukrainian air defences. Causing it to stray into Poland where it went bang. Cue diplomatic crap and sabre rattling.
At the risk of double thinking, I think it will transpire that the russkis sent a rocket attack into Ukraine, one of which got hit and partially damaged by Ukrainian air defences. Causing it to stray into Poland where it went bang. Cue diplomatic crap and sabre rattling.
This is indeed a possibility, especially in view of how many were successfully shot down.
W came up with exactly the same idea almost as soon as we started discussing it.
If it had happened further away from the border where the damaged rocket still landed in Ukraine it would never have been noticed.
With the new trend of staying at home holidays both of the big clubs have extended their opening season to cater for the numbers who want to book. I would just go up to the mid Wales site that I usually go to and I have put them on stand-by - travelling weather permitted.
Good for you.:):)
Being on your own at Christmas must be tough. My dad used to go to a local pub for his Christmas dinner. Amazing how many others did too. ;)
So, wottisit?
Kinda double decker jammy dodger with icing on it.