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Morning All :D
Raining here, heating failed (again) :(
Seems that with all the TRV's saying "No thank You" to heat the boiler cannot dissipate the heat quick enough and it trips the overheat.
Maybe I shall have to up the "desired temp" in each room on each TRV a little (seems wasteful).
Anyway, have a nice day. :D
Can't understand this, if your boiler comes on in the morning, early, surely the rooms should be not too warm. In your case , as the heating will be off when you go to bed, why not open the TRV in your bedroom fully, then once the heating is working turn it down a bit? Gives you a nice warm room to get up into!
EDIT having just read your other post I think there may a more basic problem. Maybe you need a "technician" to have a look at it. and you never normally hear me say this!
We talked about this before burreye don't fink eye gorra definitive answer. Shud eye collect up the leef's felled from the tree's? They is all over me grass and the empty soil/nettul bit at the bottom ov ne garden. All coming oft me end naybors tree.
We clear most of ours up, I had always thought that the worms pull some of the leaf-matter down and into the soil and everything has to eat so we don't sweep every single leaf up, just the bulk of it.
We talked about this before burreye don't fink eye gorra definitive answer. Shud eye collect up the leef's felled from the tree's? They is all over me grass and the empty soil/nettul bit at the bottom ov ne garden. All coming oft me end naybors tree.
If they are piling up on the lawns then sweep them 'cos they do not do any good there. If they are lying on the soil in the flower/shrub beds and borders then leave them as they will break down into wonderful leaf mould which is excellent for the soil. :)
I raked the leaves up off me grass this morning and binned them. Er indoors said that the gardening man on the telly says to collect them with a lawnmower as it chops them up a bit, and then lets them decompose into a mulch for the garden soil. I said I don't have telly garden soil so they goes in the bin.
You want to go down the road in the early winter mornings(when it’s dark) deer all down the edges ready to jump out.

also you can tell a local… they give way to the log lorries heading to the bridge. Camper vans try to squeeze through :eek:
I don't like that bridge had a van overtake us on it during trials and the deer come down for the salt. I know that road like the back of my hand.
Somefink makes me fink leafs are poisonous if there's a lot ov thems. Depends on the tree they fell from. Was finking ov leaving a pile ov leafs in the corner to attract a hedgehog.
I've got two residents in my garden at the moment and they seem to enjoy mooching around at night. They 'freeze' their movement when the dogs do the nightly piddly pee train but then just carry on when the dogs ignore them.
I raked the leaves up off me grass this morning and binned them. Er indoors said that the gardening man on the telly says to collect them with a lawnmower as it chops them up a bit, and then lets them decompose into a mulch for the garden soil. I said I don't have telly garden soil so they goes in the bin.
Well feck me with a stick!
That's what I do and never even knew it was right! Just lazy and luckily have one of those lawnmowers that chops everything up and chucks it in the back so I can bin it up and take it to the dump! (she don't want in on her soil as she uses other stuff and anyway, we ain't here to see the results in the summer. She does stuff in pots for the time we are here in compost she gets off tinternet. Too many weeds in tother stuff she says!;)
We wonder that as most our leaves are laurel. :eek:
Most of my laurels are pruned into shape and the trimmings are burned. My leaf fall is mainly from the large number of mature oaks that surround my front garden and the walnut that has developed sufficiently to join in the action. If the wind is in the right direction, I enjoy watching my leaf-fall move off onto the lane or sheep fields. This year, my biggest problem is the very high crop of acorns, I know the squirels enjoy collecting and storing only for them to germinate in abundance next year ! My little gardener man has 20 acres of woodland so he waits until this time of the year and then digs up the new plants from the previous year and plants them in his woods.
We have absolutely shed loads of weeds in our "grass" in France but the area is too big and too bumpy to mow with even a sit-on mower, even if we could afford one, so we are forced to either cut it with an ancient machine we have to borrow from a neighbour which is like a mechanical scythe and then rake it all into piles, or else cut it with our machine which cuts it and mulches it all in one, but then chucks it back on the ground. There is no way of catching what it cuts.
Our son in law the greenkeeper says that if you want to kill weeds just mow and mow and mow, because weeds need to have leaves etc above ground in order to thrive, but grass grows from below so doesn't. BUT you have to collect the cut stuff and get rid of it.
If I was ten years younger I might get another machine and rake up about 1 1.4 acres' worth of cuttings but at my age????
Morning All :D
Raining here, heating failed (again) :(
Seems that with all the TRV's saying "No thank You" to heat the boiler cannot dissipate the heat quick enough and it trips the overheat.
Maybe I shall have to up the "desired temp" in each room on each TRV a little (seems wasteful).
Anyway, have a nice day. :D

Do you still have the old "house thermostat" wired in the system and where is it?

No, only the wireless one that we can move around the house.
Everything was fine until the TRV installs and the Magnaclean. No problems in 32 years, only since hten.

This wireless 1 has nothing to do with controlling the heat/boiler?
You need to open another TRV or fit a bypass so the boiler can move water and switch off before it trips. Maybe your 30yr old boiler stat is calciumed/crudded up and needs changing;).

Evening folks:).

Had a nice relaxing day doing much of nothing:). Went to the back and beyond for some grub at the hotel in the forest, sat outside in the sun:D.
Take all these good days we can get:).

Talking about leaves, looked at our walnut tress when we got back 2 have lost pretty much all the leaves, but 1 is still green ish but losing some. Can anyone guess what that 1 feeds from:eek::D.

Hope everybody is well relaxed for the work week ahead, I got to do another week of retired work;) sometimes think there's not much difference:eek:.
