I would just like to say

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I had a colleague whose husband taught it and fought for England a lot, I think his son might have done too.
I am now racking my brain trying to remember his name as his wife used her maiden (Spanish) name at work.
Their daughter was on local TV down in the sarf of England as she is sh!t hot too, (At karate, you durdy bugres!)
Her mum was sh!t hot too, in the naughty sense!!!!!;)

Yup Shotokan. Was racking my brain to remember my instructor, Frank Goldie. :)
...oh and any cnut who says that the MAF on a 10p engine "only controls the EGR" can go off and fuck themselves with a rusty tramline cos no, it don't, or at least when it aint feckin workin even though you have de-EGRed it, a dodgy one can royally feck your performance.
Disconnect the fecker and watch the performance improve!!!!!:):):):):)
So "in the buff" as in "in the nude"

Looking at the world rankings on Shotokan interesting to see that France rates very high.
The bloke I mentioned said that in France they still train like I had to back in the 70s. Push ups on the backs of the hands, the sensei pushing your legs apart to give you a really painful stretch etc etc.
He told me that you cannot train kids like that anymore in the UK as their mums all come and complain!;)
Looking at the world rankings on Shotokan interesting to see that France rates very high.
The bloke I mentioned said that in France they still train like I had to back in the 70s. Push ups on the backs of the hands, the sensei pushing your legs apart to give you a really painful stretch etc etc.
He told me that you cannot train kids like that anymore in the UK as their mums all come and complain!;)

Oh aye thats the way I was trained he used to come round & stand on the back of your knee when
you were in stance if you couldnt hold him up you were in for it lol
Last big shop tomoz for all the stuff we'll be bringing back to Blighty that will be cheaper than there as well as other stuff that is stupidly just better. For the price etc.
Like clothes washing stuff. Smells better and does the job. For much less dosh. And Gluten free stuff that is the SAME price as non-gluten free stuff.
But the main thing will be meat, cheese and WINE!!!!!!!!!
Will also be bringing my genny as W is worried about being cold this winter, with the power cuts etc.:rolleyes:
Last big shop tomoz for all the stuff we'll be bringing back to Blighty that will be cheaper than there as well as other stuff that is stupidly just better. For the price etc.
Like clothes washing stuff. Smells better and does the job. For much less dosh. And Gluten free stuff that is the SAME price as non-gluten free stuff.
But the main thing will be meat, cheese and WINE!!!!!!!!!
Will also be bringing my genny as W is worried about being cold this winter, with the power cuts etc.:rolleyes:

Ive got my genny on standby but im still going to build a wee hydro system, I need to find a way
to convert it into heat.