I would just like to say

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Well things haven't been too clever here.:(
Driving to town for shopping yessdi the Pluriel threw its toys out of the pram. Fortunately justa couple of hundred yards down the road. :rolleyes:
Started missing big time and the MIL came on. Turned it around and got it back home.
Fecked of in the Disco, and once back just had time to stick it on the OBD2 diagnostic, code P1336/$10. Internet said that could be one of three things.:rolleyes:
So then went/walked to neebs for lunch (which was fantastic!:):):):))
Got back ont internet again, er......no.....Internet on the blink. :mad::mad::mad::mad:
So this morning, hoping it wasn't the phone line to our place which although new is still rubbing against branches in places.
Turned out it was OK, altho a timely reminder to go and prune them.
Got back in to find it is back on. Phew!
Anyway, the Disco is still playing up, won't rev up for ages when hot, even with my foot planted to the firewall, so getting onto roundabouts is a bit dodgy and dreading it with the trailer unless I can fix it, which'll have to wait a while as we are snowed under with entertaining new and old friends, typical end of season rush!
Still weather cooler, have fun folks!
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(Joke on Not the Nine O'clock News.
Set in Sweeeden, so imagine the accent...)
"I'd like some deodorant, plize."
"Bawll or airzol"
"No, it's fur ma urmpitz"

Well I laughed!!!!!
(Phonetic spelling of pronunciation ain't all that easy is it?!)
Oh yes, the spray "adds lustre to your cluster"!!!:D:D:D
Two jokes about deodorant and balls.
"Stanleysteamer.......jokes for every occasion!"