I would just like to say

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Just spent an "unhappy hour", (well not acksherly that long) opening and pouring 18 bots of wine down the sink.:(:(:( "Best " wine from a producer we used to buy from regularly and in quantity. This wine says on the label "will improve with age".:mad::mad:
Well it didn't, well not after the first few years. Was only 10 years old for fecks sake and we are still drinking his cheap stuff of the same vintage. Ten years is no age for a decent wine at this price.
Can't be bovvad to do the maths it would upset me too much. :(
Was some of the mountain of wine we bought to get ahead of Brexit. All the rest is still OK.
And the worst of it is that I still have to chuck out the rest of his second best stuff.:(
Just spent an "unhappy hour", (well not acksherly that long) opening and pouring 18 bots of wine down the sink.:(:(:( "Best " wine from a producer we used to buy from regularly and in quantity. This wine says on the label "will improve with age".:mad::mad:
Well it didn't, well not after the first few years. Was only 10 years old for fecks sake and we are still drinking his cheap stuff of the same vintage. Ten years is no age for a decent wine at this price.
Can't be bovvad to do the maths it would upset me too much. :(
Was some of the mountain of wine we bought to get ahead of Brexit. All the rest is still OK.
And the worst of it is that I still have to chuck out the rest of his second best stuff.:(

Howja know is good / no good till you open it though?
Howja know is good / no good till you open it though?
You can't be absolutely certain. But after we tried about 4 bots we wrote it off. This was a year or two ago.
I tried them again today before chucking it down the sink. It was deffo all off. Funnily had not gone brown which is a typical sign of overaged wine, and it wasn't very vinegary either but it did have a bitter aftertaste and deffo wasn't right at all. Undrinkable so chucked.:(
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Well it has been raining, thunderin and often lightnin all night.
You'd a laughed.
It all started at about 10 o'clock last night.
I went out to lock up the hen shed to find the little beggars out. Normally they put themselves to bed once it gets dark.
but there they were running around in the rain, thunder and lightning.
I was in cut-off jean shorts and shoes. It started to be annoying as I'd managed to catch three of them but then I was chasing the fourth one round and round the shed getting wetter and wetter myself. :mad::mad::mad:
So I said "Blow this for a lark" or words to that effect. Went back indoors, turned their light off and got a jacket.
Then I crept round to their place with a torch. Finally managed to corner the little madam and chuck her back in. :D:D
Well W thought it was funny!;)
So stopped now, temporarily. supposed to start up again soon but then the taps will turn off in plenty of time for us to go down to Pont de l'Arn to watch/listen to some jazz.
Did I tell you neither of us is positive.:):):)
Up yours Covid!
Have a nice day!!!

Great news im glad yous aint got it. :):)
... Its funny how silly behaviours can backfire.

The baggage who tried the emotional blackmail of "I'm going to end it all" is now all angry and complains that my son is trying to take the kids away from her.

Why? Because she made the threat and then was not responding to any contacts from him; so like a caring person who doesn't want her to come to harm (or for their kids to suffer) he called 111 and asked for advice.
Upshot is that the advice was to alert the Police and in the end the Police found the baggage in a bit of a state wandering the streets in the middle of the night/early-hours of the morning.
They took her home. Then an ambulance rolled up at her door 9AM to check that she was still ok.

She sees this as an attempt by him to discredit her, he asserts that she made threats to end her life and he was duty bound to try and prevent that from happening.

As someone who's Mum topped herself when he was just 6 I am fully in agreement with my lad's position. Suicide is a tragic waste of life and leaves far too many scars on family members and should be discouraged as best it can be.

However, there is now a record of her erratic & odd behaviour out there in officialdom. ;)
I am hopeful that things will settle down.

O'Dear :( I have a Mate who's wife took her own life a couple of years ago, they had problems
same as everyone has, they fell out one night & she threatened him saying if he left she wont
be here when him came back he went to his mates across the road & had a few beers an went
back about 2 hours later, found her swinging from the loft hatch. :eek:
Now he has turned into a recluse, he's got 3 kids & 1 grandkid he doesnt want anything to do with
anyone. :(:(
O'Dear :( I have a Mate who's wife took her own life a couple of years ago, they had problems
same as everyone has, they fell out one night & she threatened him saying if he left she wont
be here when him came back he went to his mates across the road & had a few beers an went
back about 2 hours later, found her swinging from the loft hatch. :eek:
Now he has turned into a recluse, he's got 3 kids & 1 grandkid he doesnt want anything to do with
anyone. :(:(
Sh!t that is a real barsteward.
He REALLY needs some help, poor sod.