Afternoon folks

Well its been a bit overcast today, It was nice for working outside

Even pulled the cover over the pool after my afternoon dip, it felt warmer cos the outside temps are lower

Now its raining, again

. More water in the pool which we don't need, I was hoping for some evaporation. Let see how it goes don't really want to pump any out and add salt if I can help it (do we Stan

) cos I don't have any sacks and that would mean a trip to the big boy town and as M is in the UK not sure I am allowed on my own

Besides I haven't driven a vehicle since Monday, I am environmental me

, ok I did fire up the lawnmower
Ms Mum got a call last night from Doc after her scan (PET) they want her in the ward, Ok says M. "Sorry no bed available"

. Anyway they found 1 so M took her at 8pm last night

Feel like having a rant but wont. I will say its a sad place when somebody who has worked and paid cant get the attention they were promised, when others get it for nothing

. Sorry that was a little rant wasn't it
