Well today really sucked me off.
I spent most of it cleaning and repairing two vacuum cleaners.
(Not a joke), one VAX, one Dyson and one with a bite of sh!te on.......

And no don't ask me about the hairs on my Dicky Dido.
Wifey has a tendency to fall when carrying things, so I've told her, whatever you are carrying, throw it and save yourself, to avid needing to go to orspicle, yet again.
So she feels her foot touch a dog bed in the kitchen and throws the part of the Dyson she is carrying, the bit that contains the muck. It breaks a bit but she doesn't fall over, she just stumbles.

Result, I suppose.

This after I have fixed tother un.
Still that is what we all keep bust old Dysons in the loft for int it?
I had to swop a few bits but it still works and she still bitches about it. She will not be happy until she has bought one of every make of Hoover ever made and discovered that not one of them will pick up the particularly clingy hair of one of our dogs.

We will be reflooring the lounge in wood, once I 've finished the utility. So it is all my fault!