
must remember grumpy Stanley needs his breckie before you talk to him
Post time shows you was eating breckie and posting at 2:20pm minus my 2hrs means you was having weetiebix for dinner

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Dinna worry yersen!
If I'm postin you can talk to me!
Nowhere near as grumpy as I used to be at work if anyone, especially my ex, came and had a go before I'd had the first coffee!
George Carlin has a hilarious track about exactly that. What peeps do before they actually start work.
My ex once had a go when I was standing at the sink gettin my drink, she got a right mouthful, and was nearly wearing the coffee. she never did it again.
I am usually Mr Magnanimity. (You has to be when dealing with chilluns, their clock is different!)
Din't bovva with lunch. Got up at 9 a.m. had breckfus, which lasted till about 11 a.m. then sat at the pooter doing admin and drinking my tea (big mug) and when finished posted my "hello" on here, which accounts for it all. Wifey doin dins now, and we had a cream tea a little while ago.
Oh and yessdi I finished and tested the cool box minus all the PSB sh!t.
It seems to work fine but I will have to test it properly over a longer time period, jury rigged to a batt or two in the garage. So simple, plug and wire from Accessory direct to the fan and the Peltier with its associated heat sink/fin type things.
If it does work and don't blow fuses I'll feel high as an elephant's eye!
But into life a little rain must fall - bruv's condition seems to be getting possibly worse, only tests will tell. Meanwhile fingers and toes crossed. (You know exactly how I must be feeling as I do you.
