@kevstar as promised final post to the one on "Thrum Thrum"
The probs i had were:
1/ while turning the wheels from side to side to enable me to get to the bolt heads I inadvertently bent one of the 12mm bolts that hold the hub on. It was sitting inside the inner part of the hub mount, but undone, it must have slid out a bit and got caught by another bit of the steering/suspension.
I took it out, saw the bend, swore, went into the back of the Landy where I
knew I had three spares. Could I find 'em? could I feck.

So I went into the garage with it, stuck a couple of nuts on it to protect the thread, then started trying to bend it using the vice. Pry bars, a lump hammer. Was failing miserably so took it to the anvil and bashed it reasonably straight. Back to the garage to recut the thread, after which my thread nut fell to the floor and disappeared.

I then put my sensible hat on and said to myself "that'll never work" so found a threaded bolt which was longer, put a nut on it to ensure I could get it off and save the thread and hacksawed it to length. Went to put that on the car and despite filing the end a bit couldn't get it to bite. So I replaced it with one from a more accessible position and tried again. in the more accessible position. Still no luck

so I said "Feck it, lets see if the bent one still fits", tried it and amazingly it did! So that is what is on it now.
2/ undoing the hub nut. I expected it to be tight, but the back one I'd done fairly easily despite not being able to remove the staking. Just went for it and undid it.
But on the front it was really much tighter, so I went for my trusty scaffold pole, which shifted it. But in the process I bent the extension tube I use all the time over my biggest breaker bar.

I've used that for 39 years without bending it. You know how you love the tools you use
all the time? so I now have that to straighten out.

As well as the die nut to find.

Anyway it started to rain while I was doing all this, not heavily, but enough to make me gather all the tools up and chuck them in the back of the Disco, which is where I keep most of them. Afterwards I dried them all and started putting them back where they normally live in the side lockers. (I'd taken them out while the mech had it to do the gear box.) And in the process FOUND the spare bolts I knew I had. Grrr. Mucho time wasted straightening....

However I know have a lot more confidence in the old girl!

Just gotta fix the radio/cassette.