Bedtime story.
Just returned from a T999.
Ma T rang this mornin askin if I coulds picked her up later Thursday at the shop wif her shoppin, she dunt drive an you can imagine how many loo rolls goes inna back offa 90. I was at wuk so gots a voicemail.
Rang her mobile back, no answer.
Rang her home, no answer.
Sent her a text..
Anuvver missed call this evenin while inna shower.
Rang her mobile, no answer.
Rang the landline, no answer.
Got a call back from sumbuddy else's Ma, sayin I'd jus called her.. WTF?
Text Dottir. "Summinks up, can you get hold of gran?"
" Nope" says she, we is now both a bit rattled..
International Turk Rescue alerted, assistance inbound..
Tad Da Da Daah, Ta Da Da Da, Da Da Da Da Da Daaaahhh!
I enters the house.. "Ma? Ma!" ....
"Awright son, how lovely for you to drop by, I jus has had a luvli cool baff..."
Thunderbird one (Dottir) arrives 10 seconds later..
Fruity language ensues.. I dunno where she gets it from .
Happy endin, jus waitin for me nerves to stop janglin..
Night night peeps