I would just like to say

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...rain has stopped all play.
AND... I found at least 5" of water in the spare wheel well of the P38. :(
Hoiked the wheel out and put a 10mm hole through the bottom of the pan.:eek:
I don't go wading and I would rather it self-drained than sloshed water all over the rear compartment. :rolleyes:
More proof it's just a big Freelander. Freelander's have fisk tanks int boot anorl.
Thas not how I imagined you looked like.
Eye has had a busy day. Two loads int washing machine and hung ont line. Crumpits fer lunch. Spuds fer tea. Been oat to check me ant nests and it looks like eye won the battle on the nests eye attacked. There was some more eye spottid so eye pulls up more bricks un they just be tunnels. It looks like they has an underground tube tunnel fer travelling. So eye has powered that un mashed it up un put the bricks back. Been int baff. Found me desk lamp and running that now as it be cheaper to run. Pulled more grass out me drive and gottid some of the moss oat anorl. Need ter pull some more weeds morra so eye can fill me wheely bin ter make good use of the next collection. Been looking at poo cam and there be two foxes int same video ont one day. Charged his batteries anorl.
Yes indeed. I have no idea. I have had this once before a long time ago.
I wonder if the top part was latched but not sealed because of the huge box I had stored in the back of the bus all last week and was making the top part of the tailgate a "slam-shut" and under tension.
It’s always a worry, with any make or marque of the LR range…rust and water ingress.. and the other multidimensional problems yet, we ..’happy band’ continue to buy them….it’s a question I often ask mesel why? When we could buy much cheaper brands with better anti corrosion levels, better comfort levels…better engine and gearboxes..? Why?
In my case…I passed me test in a series 1 in Gibraltar and will always love the original brand, though my days of using any of the originals is a no…no ,due to the seating and me creaky knees.
Me current love, though better described as a late night trembler, is a P 38….lovely, sleek all the bells n whistles but not a Disco…she’s currently laid up with the dreaded liner tap….where to go from here?
Options…try to rediscover me mechanical abilities from working on NA and basic TDS from yonks ago and remove the block and send it to V8….wait for the local expert to ‘fit me in’
Park it in the corner of the paddock and look for a decent disco 1 or 2…..
I was looking for a decent Disco without any 1/4 rust, preferably an LPG conversion when I came across the p 38 low miles, really good condition and with the FSH…and some…so I thought ‘why not’?
Afterwards, I remembered why I had joined this forum in the first place? Age…a somewhat underestimated condition-)
Busy on ere yesdi, lotsa lickin licked
Dull an grey out, wif more uninteresrin to follow, maybe some crappy later on.. (ditto for the footie I speck)
Has been feelin wery weary, I fink I shall has an uffink day.

We has a nickle house guest. Swimbos girl's dog while they get their new quarters sorted out. He's nice an gentle, but won't leave Fuzzybutt alone. She keeps telling him oft, but either he's a bit thick or summink else is in charge.. :rolleyes:

Just remembered, same girl is bringin the three kids (7 an youngerer) round for brunch. Pizza an ice poles sorted... Dunno what they is havin :)

So, so much for a nuffink day.. I needs a substitution, you busy @DanClarke? :D