You may be wondering what I am going to do with two Tilley lamps.
Here's the theory!!!
Light them both, put one at each end of our long patio outside our place in France, so they will attract the mossies, while we sit in the middle

. Far from the lights. (Wifey suffers so much with their bites, anything to get rid of them.) May add refinements, like stuff they can fall into and die from!
Or a Hoover tube near them.
Or else I'll have to buy yards of mossy netting and put it all round the flipping thing! (At least it has a roof!)
Fed up of having to move indoors once the sun goes down, or spray Wifey with gunk. yes
Gunk! (and not the engine cleaning stuff, unless it has mossie repellent properties I don't know about.)
Keep it clean folks!!!