I would just like to say

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Appy Saturday for me too, :D
Tis dry & overcast here not quite sure what the weather is doing, I done a bit of my
driveway outside my workshop whilst waiting on the sky man, shifted a tonne of sand &
2 1/2 tonnes of 20mm stones wiv me shovel n rake got a bit of a sweat on too.

Im gettng my chainsaw oot to do some logs for the fire that should please the neighbours. :D
I hope everyone is well stay safe you lot. :)
So at the end of day 2 of the great conservatory re-work we are re-assembled as stud walling and ready for the external sheeting to be applied tomorrow and to start on the roof. Tom & I have worked really hard (and I really feel it too!)

Very impressive!
I am so glad Wifey doesn't look at this fred!
I'd get so much "If he can do all that in one day, why can't you.......!"
My great grandad had one of those I prefer my tea maid to look like this....:D
GREAT Grandad, you cheeky sod!
and she obviously has no clue in the kitchen if she makes tea with a pan and a whisk!
(Not that she'd be making much tea, methinks).
How long did it take you to do that tiling? See what you mean about the floor tiles!:D:D:D:D:D
For us re-tyre-ees, time does not eggsist. The past does not eggsist because it has gone. The future does not eggsist because it hasn't happened yet. The present is instantaneously in the past (which does not eggsist). So you don't need a new battery. All your time pieces should now disappear in a puff of logic :p:p:p
Or get a solar powered one. Mine also puts itself into and out of BST automatically.
Amazon product
Or an automatic, or even a wind-up one. Got fed up of changing batts ages ago. ;)
Wifey said she was going to measure the pond today, she's going to convert it into a raised bed, so she needs to know the volume of topsoil or whatever she needs.
I asked her "What with?"
"Your tape measure" she says.
"Oh?" sez-I, "so you can buy me a new one when you drop it in the water!" to which she agreed as mine is a bit old and bended. so she asked me if I wanted inches AND cms on it.:rolleyes:.
So I said I wanted a bigger, i.e. wider one, but she said, "With bigger numbers on it?" which set us both off p!ssing ourselves laughing. (We both have eyesight problems;))
To which I added, "Can you get me one with bigger millimetres on it as I just cannot see them any more?"
She didn't fall for it. I had visions of her doing a "Glass hammer" number down at B&Q!:D:D:D
Despite the fact the pond is a weird shape, like a rectangle with a corner cut off, afta a bit of maffs, I worked out it will take more or less eggsactly 1 metre of topsoil or grow bag stuff or whatever.
She is now ordering a burdbaff that will weigh 74 Kgs to be stuck in the middle.:eek::eek::eek:
At least it comes in two bits.
So she's going to drain the pond, fill it wiv urff and flowiz, then stick the burdbaff in it and fill it wiv watter. Only she won't.
It'll be me and the neighbour doing most of it.:mad::mad::mad:
And why is she bovverin? Cos of bloody Covid we will be stuck here. And she cannot stop gardening. Tis like she is hooked on it. She swears the flowiz will be flowrin in eever winter or spring.
We'll see.:rolleyes:
Have a lovely day folks, and no the sun ain't shinin here neeva!
At least it ain't rainin. :):):):)
Or get a solar powered one. Mine also puts itself into and out of BST automatically.
Amazon product
Or an automatic, or even a wind-up one. Got fed up of changing batts ages ago. ;)

I doubt a solar powered one in Wales would find it hard to keep time. :rolleyes::D

Should have read the rest of the thread before I commented. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
I doubt a solar powered one in Wales would find it hard to keep time. :rolleyes::D
Me neither, I have had two of them, they are very "green": solar power, regulated from a mast in Cumbria, accurate to a second in a million years or summat (atomic clock), can pick up time signals all over the world. I hung the first one in the window in France to charge it up, as per instructions, it got hot and the numerals dropped off!
Took it apart, it still looked fine and still worked!
Got it replaced by the original suppliers as the instructions were followed to the letter!
No longer put it in the sun in France!
So that it why I have two, one for work and one for best!:):):)
They must have known this from the CVs.

...er, I never said that!!!

Er fink you did;). Or did I read it wrong:D

I have seen plenty of CVs where they could be superstars but after seeing and talking they didnt even know what end of a sledge hammer to pick up;)
Also a lot of fibs, Also saying they had worked on rigs that I was on, saying they were something they weren't or not even there:eek:.

CVs o_O Glad I don't have to deal with them now:D
