Had my gut etc scanned this morning.
I'm not pregnant!
Nowt visible to worry about, i.e. no gall stones, cyst on kidney is small,

eek: never knew i had one) and not to worry about, prostate is as enlarged as one would expect at my time of life, "It's like your ears, they just carry on growing!".
So await results of poop test.

Meanwhile having a 2 decades problem with hard skin in just one spot on the sole of my left foot, which was even more painful than usual, I did the usual. Soak for 1/2 hour then cut the skin off as best as I can, not having a very flexible back! (oval shape about 1 square inch, skin pretty thick).
But for the first time ever brown pus came out! Bit of a shock! No smell, looked at it and thought "What does that remind me of?", then got it, Silicone sealant!
Just like it!
Anyway, treated it and strapped it up. Wondering if this is a very old foreign body that is finally surfacing.

Would be glad to see the back of it!
So have done bugrall else today. Hope everyone else has felt a bit more productive.

Oh and weighed myself before going to orspicle. 90.5 Kgs

And that must be less than a week or so ago as I can now pull my belt in one more notch. but never been over 90 Kgs before. Hate this!

Anyway, nuff about borin old me. How is everyone else feeling?