I would just like to say

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You two seem to be so believing in these scrotes o_O

Not really. No harm has come from it so far and the scrote knows I 've got him by the balls, cos all I have to do is arrange a collection via Hermes and he has to be on my doorstep the next day. I can muck him about as much as I want and there ain't much he can do about it. So if he behaves and don't feck me over, I'll leave him alone.
He won't be collecting anything else for US in future, but if other companies, such as John Lewis dictate that Hermes come to pick up some bruk cr@p, I don't care, it cannot do us any harm and he has to ship up whether he wants to or not.
If he has a delivery to make to us and throws it in the bushes instead, all we have to do is claim and the sender will have to send another one or refund us. He might have been a bit of a prat, but I think the scrote factor is quite low. Not all delivery peeps are scrotes. I know some of them quite well now and many are absolutely lovely.;)
Everyfink is logged. Parcels go missing = loss of job. Dunt take long ferrem to be found oat if they're nikkin stuff.

Cheap carriers are like bags. Theres a reason why dhl and tnt charge more.
Our neighbour who runs a DPD pays his blokes £32K plus bonuses. That ain't bad money. but he still finds the worst feckers are the white anglo-saxon males 18 -30. :rolleyes:
Everyfink is logged. Parcels go missing = loss of job. Dunt take long ferrem to be found oat if they're nikkin stuff.

Cheap carriers are like bags. Theres a reason why dhl and tnt charge more.

We use DHL and DPD they have been great never “lost” anything:)

Not really. No harm has come from it so far and the scrote knows I 've got him by the balls, cos all I have to do is arrange a collection via Hermes and he has to be on my doorstep the next day. I can muck him about as much as I want and there ain't much he can do about it. So if he behaves and don't feck me over, I'll leave him alone.
He won't be collecting anything else for US in future, but if other companies, such as John Lewis dictate that Hermes come to pick up some bruk cr@p, I don't care, it cannot do us any harm and he has to ship up whether he wants to or not.
If he has a delivery to make to us and throws it in the bushes instead, all we have to do is claim and the sender will have to send another one or refund us. He might have been a bit of a prat, but I think the scrote factor is quite low. Not all delivery peeps are scrotes. I know some of them quite well now and many are absolutely lovely.;)

If that quilt had gone missing I think there may have been some harm;).

We used the DPD pickup and delivery for some important docs from Mum & Dad can’t fault the service:).

It sometimes changes name when it gets to this end but we are on first name terms with some of the drivers:D

We use DHL and DPD they have been great never “lost” anything:)

If that quilt had gone missing I think there may have been some harm;).

We used the DPD pickup and delivery for some important docs from Mum & Dad can’t fault the service:).

It sometimes changes name when it gets to this end but we are on first name terms with some of the drivers:D

Not arguing that we were fecking lucky, it would have broke Wifey's heart.
But as no harm has been done, LUCKILY, we can now relax about it, a bit, hopefully. We will only relax totally once the grand-daughter has it in her mitts!