Well today was a better day, in parts!
Final bit of varnish on the new kitchen door then went to rehang it. Squeaks and stiffness from the hinge side. The clearance between the door and the stop had gone due to the paint! so i ought reeely to bar the ffin thing off and either plane the edge off and repaint or move it a mm or two away from the door. i have too much to do so simply put some oil on it, it don't squeak no more, but it is a bodge.
Then decided to get to the bottom of the kitchen light that flickers after a while then kills the bulb.
Took it off, found the wire I had put in was hugely long so a bit easier to work with, connected and old standard light fitting and left it switched on in the hole to see if it behaved the same. It didn't so i assume the wiring to that point is OK, then dismantled the cwiling light testing all the connections and resistances as I went not obvs problems so, discarding the mount and reflector, reconnected it and left it on, in the hole for ages to see if it would play up, it didn't so I think it might just have been the contacts inside the bulb holder.
So, all would be fine, but then, while preparing drinks i managed to knock a wineglass with my apéro over on the worktop, bust glass, sh!t.
Then minutes later, taking out the hot bulb that I had put in the light fitting to test it, I dropped that too, on the same worktop! I am never normally that clumsy, although I do not recommend an oven glove to hold a hot lightbulb.

. Wifey was surprisingly not upset at all! But doesn't glass go everywhere!

Anyway, have a good evening!