I would just like to say

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Best thing to do with any windfall!
Good advice is not to be sniffed at, although does happen, especially between parents and children, :rolleyes:. (Our middle-daughter's husband is getting compo for a botched hip op. They have a big mortgage which they struggle to pay, but it took a huge effort to persuade them to pay at least some of it off. Heard last week that they finally have decided to do just that. Big "phew".;))
Eye have a bread sheet ter calculate me morgig paymints. Eye can add int over paymints ter sea ow much interest eye save. Fink its 7,000 sovs so far.
Evening all.....we got some work done on the garage today as we had a break in the weather :)

Done anuvva CoVid cut tonight so that means I'm £40 better off by not paying someone else to cut it for me. :cool:
Cheeeezzz! Is that what you pay for a cut? Is it cos there ain't too many cutters on your island? You can buy a couple of sets of clippers for that!
(You can tell I have cut my own hair for years!) But wifey's last cut in France was only 30€ and that was a propah styley job. And she never pays more!:(:(