I would just like to say

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Sun out here and wasn't the moon lovely last night?
Haven't seen it for ages!
Wifey under the hammer to get her sewing thing finished by the end of the day so her mate can take it to a guy with a "long arm quilter" to get that done so she can then do the outsides as it is a Xmas present for grandchild in Paris.
And breathe.
So guess who is doing everything else!
Must get on!:(
Edit: otherwise you'd think she was under pressure to do some gardening!
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Afternoon folks:)

I have been doing some wood butchering this morning and it started to rain a little after lunch. So good enough excuse to spend a bit of time in the garage:D.

Set up the Gas for the TIG and had a little play:) Just got to work out the settings and find some more scraps to practice on. Got some Ally rods coming so will have something todo on the rainy days. Have managed to gain myself 2 shiny finger tips:oops:

Wifey finished the sewing and it has since been couriered by her friend to the other geezer, so she is more relaxed now.:D:D:D. (So I have been promised Toad in the Hole tonight, no not that toad nor in that hole, you awful lot,:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:!)
Changed the bloody, fiddly dip-beam bulb, nearside, on the Pluriel, again, on the way to getting it ready for MOT. This seems to be the only car we have with a bulb that goes regularly. No obvious reason why, as far as I can see. :(
Still, enjoy the evening folks!:)
Ours was and it had a clear big circle around it where there was no cloud was lovely & weird at the same time hes not up yet tonight though:) maybe he wont be I don't follow the moon cycles.

As you are so much further east than us maybe that is why it is still light here! Or maybe you are looking for it before dusk. But it comes up about 50 minutes later each day.
Did you have a sharp frost last might?
It rises just outside our living room patio door and as most of the outside of the garden is surrounded by trees we don't usually see much, but it rose smack between two of the trees, which made it look even more striking.
Just watching "Money for Nothing" where an alleged professional is attempting to mend broken chipboard, with glue and clamps! WHY?! Bonkers!:rolleyes: