"David J. Allen" <dallen03NO_SPAM@sanNO_SPAM.rr.com> wrote in message news:<
[email protected]>...
> > >>You hit the nail on the head. The left has a single purpose - punish
> > >>those in the United States by redistributing our wealth to others.
> > >
> >
> I've always thought this accusation against the US, that it, being a
> minority of the worlds population but uses a majority of the resources and
> produces a majority of the waste, was meant to pander to envy of and anger
> against the US.
No, it's just pointing out that developed countries make more of a
mess than undeveloped countries. And that we have a responsibility as
global citizens to look at the mess we're making, and do our best to
reduce it. That's all.
> Ironically, it's the US that has led the way in cleaning up industry
> emissions and auto emissions.
I would have thought it was places like some Scandinavian countries
and Germany that have led the way in cleaning up industry emissions.
California probably leads the way in cleaning up auto emissions, I'd
> The tax the US places on it's own economy in
> striving for clean air and clean water is enormous.
If you want to maintain your strong economy, it makes sense, too.
There is a strong correlation between fresh water supplies and
strength of the economy, worldwide.
> Finding newer
> technologies to reduce or illiminate pollution is great, but there's
> currently nothing that can replace oil as a source of energy without killing
> the world economy.
Well, totally replace? Yeah, you're right. We can, however, use the
oil we have more efficiently, and use alternative sources where
> And like it or not, it's the power of the US economy that has protected the
> world from despotism... from the Nazis and from the Communists. And now
> from Islamic extremists. They are more dangerous than Nazis or Communists
> because they understand that destroying the US economy is what will give
> them the ability to push back and defeat the "infidel" west and impose an
> Islamic empire. If you're looking for greed, look there.
Yeah, yeah, yeah...
At the risk of going off on a BIG tangent, keep in mind it was a US
foreign policy (concentrated on stamping out Communism) that lost
sight of the long term picture, putting Islamic extremists into the
positions of power that they now have. If you're looking for
solutions to the Islamic extremist problem, look to the sources of the
troubles first. Still, this is getting so far OT, that I probably
won't respond further to that particular issue here. Feel free to
email me if you want a little donnybrook over that one!