Huge study about safety can be misinterpreted by SUV drivers

  • Thread starter Dianelos Georgoudis
  • Start date
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In article <[email protected]>, Marc wrote:

> I pay less than 20% of my paycheck to the government. Even including my
> employer's contribution to SS (which I wouldn't receive if they didn't
> pay),

You do X amount of work. It costs the empolyer Y. That cost is what the
empolyer sees and considers the market rate for an employee that can do
X. The work X is worth Y. If the hidden SS tax goes away, the work is
still worth Y. To keep and attract the best employees that segment would
become wages. Now for the unskilled, inexperienced worker on the bottom
rung, he probably wouldn't get it, however, since he could now work for
a lower cost the likelyhood of finding a job to build skill and experience
is greater and he will get himself out of that posistion.

> >That tax increases hurt economies is an observed fact.<<

> Then why is it so hotly debated? <

It is only "hotly debated" beccause the Leftists must have massive &
continual revenue stream increases to fund their plans for ever increasing
government & its attendant patronage. They must therefore attempt to fool
the public into thinking "the rich" need to be taxed more & more. Any review
of tax codes shows "the rich" turn out to be anyone making more than $50k a
year, with the threshold creeping lower year on year.

Democrats plan for and try to perpetuate public ignorance on this subject.
Yesterday it was reported that Bills put forward by the Democrats just this
this year, if enacted, would total nearly $450 billion vs. roughly 36 b by
the Republicans. Further, cost for Democratic proposals when totalled over
the next ten years would increased the defict nearly tenfold over their own
deficit figures from the "evil Bush tax cuts". They hope we can't read or
add & subtract. They also hope we forget that they voted for them. Once
again, Democrats represent the epitome of irresponsibility, lies and

> And the majority of voting shares are controlled by the financial elite. <

I suppose that's a problem, huh? The people who understand business and take
the biggest risks shouldn't have a voice? BTW, I'm not of the "financial
elite" but I get to vote on every holding I have. Every shareholder has that
right. The alternative is governmaent control of business, which has and
will always be a total failure .. or, did you miss what happened in Russia?


> >
> > I've always thought this accusation against the US, that it, being a
> > minority of the worlds population but uses a majority of the resources

> > produces a majority of the waste, was meant to pander to envy of and

> > against the US.

> No, it's just pointing out that developed countries make more of a
> mess than undeveloped countries. And that we have a responsibility as
> global citizens to look at the mess we're making, and do our best to
> reduce it. That's all.

Developed countries do not make more of a mess than undeveloped countries.
The US has done way more than it's share to prevent and clean up pollution.
Developing countries would benefit from paying the price now to reduce
pollution rather than waiting until they were "developed"..... and then
cleaning up the mess.

> >
> >
> > Ironically, it's the US that has led the way in cleaning up industry
> > emissions and auto emissions.

> I would have thought it was places like some Scandinavian countries
> and Germany that have led the way in cleaning up industry emissions.
> California probably leads the way in cleaning up auto emissions, I'd
> guess.

I'm sure they do. But the US had to start preventing pollution decades ago
as the industrial revolution took hold and pollution began to be a problem.
Whatever the Swedes and Germans do, the Americans are no slackers when it
comes to pollution controls. They've been leaders. Unfortunately, the
environmental extremists go too far. Their agenda goes beyond clean air and
clean water and the like.

> > The tax the US places on it's own economy in
> > striving for clean air and clean water is enormous.

> If you want to maintain your strong economy, it makes sense, too.
> There is a strong correlation between fresh water supplies and
> strength of the economy, worldwide.
> > Finding newer
> > technologies to reduce or illiminate pollution is great, but there's
> > currently nothing that can replace oil as a source of energy without

> > the world economy.

> Well, totally replace? Yeah, you're right. We can, however, use the
> oil we have more efficiently, and use alternative sources where
> possible.
> >


> > And like it or not, it's the power of the US economy that has protected

> > world from despotism... from the Nazis and from the Communists. And now
> > from Islamic extremists. They are more dangerous than Nazis or

> > because they understand that destroying the US economy is what will give
> > them the ability to push back and defeat the "infidel" west and impose

> > Islamic empire. If you're looking for greed, look there.

> Yeah, yeah, yeah...
> At the risk of going off on a BIG tangent, keep in mind it was a US
> foreign policy (concentrated on stamping out Communism) that lost
> sight of the long term picture, putting Islamic extremists into the
> positions of power that they now have. If you're looking for
> solutions to the Islamic extremist problem, look to the sources of the
> troubles first. Still, this is getting so far OT, that I probably
> won't respond further to that particular issue here. Feel free to
> email me if you want a little donnybrook over that one! :)

Don't worry about that! These megathreads have a life of their own and only
those who care participate; everyone else ignores us. I can state my
opinion on this matter rather succinctly.

Say what you want about US foreign policy against Communism or supporting
Israel or whatever, the Islamic extremists only have power to threaten us
because of oil and proliferation of WMD. If the world didn't need middle
east oil or if terrorists only had car bombs, there wouldn't be this war on

> Cheers,
> Steve


"Marc" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Steve Stone" <[email protected]> wrote:
> >What is a liberal these daze ?
> >

> A "liberal" is anyone that thinks that corporations should be held liable
> for their illegal actions. A "liberal" is someone that thinks that what a
> person does in their own home alone or with consenting adults is only the
> business of those present.

We wish. Now if you can keep it to just that you'd be a hero.

> Marc
> For email, remove the first "y" of "whineryy"


"Gerald G. McGeorge" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> > Effective tax rate on the middle class is around 25%,

> including federal and state income, sales, gas, social security, and
> property. <
> That's the biggest load of crap I've ever read! The middle income tax rate
> on federal alone is nearly 25%, to which you can add 3% social security,
> 12.8% FICA, whatever the state charges, which can be as high as 9%, and

> municipal tax for those in major metro areas.
> This is PRECISELY the kind of lies, outright lies, told by Democrats and
> their Socialist fellow travellers to mask income confiscation from the
> middle class.

I'm not taking Lloyds side, but income tax rates are marginal. When you're
in the 25% bracket, only the last dollars you make are taxed at that rate.
Your first dollars are still only taxed at the lower rates. The actual
percentage we pay depends on the how you compute the number. I would see it
as the total amount of tax divided into your gross income. Nonetheless, 25%
seems unreal. I can get close to 25% with just the taxes taken out of my
paycheck. Nevermind property taxes, sales taxes, gasoline taxes, automobile
taxes, energy taxes, communications taxes (did I miss any?).

"They hope we can't read or add & subtract."
Which is why they keep the government schools so bad.

"Gerald G. McGeorge" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> > >That tax increases hurt economies is an observed fact.<<

> > Then why is it so hotly debated? <

> It is only "hotly debated" beccause the Leftists must have massive &
> continual revenue stream increases to fund their plans for ever increasing
> government & its attendant patronage. They must therefore attempt to fool
> the public into thinking "the rich" need to be taxed more & more. Any

> of tax codes shows "the rich" turn out to be anyone making more than $50k

> year, with the threshold creeping lower year on year.
> Democrats plan for and try to perpetuate public ignorance on this subject.
> Yesterday it was reported that Bills put forward by the Democrats just

> this year, if enacted, would total nearly $450 billion vs. roughly 36 b by
> the Republicans. Further, cost for Democratic proposals when totalled over
> the next ten years would increased the defict nearly tenfold over their

> deficit figures from the "evil Bush tax cuts". They hope we can't read or
> add & subtract. They also hope we forget that they voted for them. Once
> again, Democrats represent the epitome of irresponsibility, lies and
> hypocrisy.

>> "They hope we can't read or add & subtract." <<

> Which is why they keep the government schools so bad. <

Indeed, they've made teacher tenure & benefits more important than learning,
accountability for student peroformance is "unfair" to the Liberal teacher's
unions, etc. Then they one one hand join in the President's "No Child Left
Behind" plan, but trash the entire program publiclly because they don't get
egrtegious financial increases, instead they're asked to be responsible.
Again, more lies & hypocrisy from your Democrat leaders. (This time from Ted
"Hey, Can't You Swim??!! Kennedy.)

Public education has become, not a venue for learning, but instead a means
of Socialist indoctrination. (This is from an ex-teacher, by ther way, who
quit in disgust.)

In article <[email protected]>,
Marc <[email protected]> wrote:
>[email protected] (Matthew Russotto) wrote:
>I live in a state that has no income or sales taxes and pays over $1000 per
>year back to residents.

Yes, but they (or rather WE, as there's massive federal subsidies
there) have to pay people that much just to live to the north of
Matthew T. Russotto [email protected]
"Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice, and moderation in pursuit
of justice is no virtue." But extreme restriction of liberty in pursuit of
a modicum of security is a very expensive vice.
DTJ <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> My family is in the lower middle class, in the heartland, and we pay
> considerably more than 50% of our income in taxes.

We'll believe you when you post a .PDF of your tax forms to a binary
group for our review. Until then, I'l have to put it this way:

I don't know all that much about your taxes, but I *do* know a lot
about bull****. This sounds a lot more like bull**** to me.
C.R. Krieger
(Been there; done that)

"Marc" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> [email protected] (Matthew Russotto) wrote:
> >In article <[email protected]>,
> >Lloyd Parker <[email protected]> wrote:
> >>In article <[email protected]>,
> >> DTJ <[email protected]> wrote:
> >>>On Sat, 8 Nov 2003 20:26:51 -0700, "Gerald G. McGeorge"
> >>><[email protected]> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>> Sorry, I forgot that using my brain is against everything liberals

> >>>>for.<
> >>>>
> >>>>That's right, you just stop thinking and let them make all the

decisions for
> >>>>you, meanwhile be sure and let them have 50% of your wages and shut

up! They
> >>>>know far better than you how it should be spent...
> >>>
> >>>50%? You have to be really poor to pay that small of a tax rate!
> >>What an idiot. Effective tax rate on the middle class is around 25%,
> >>including federal and state income, sales, gas, social security, and

> >
> >Maybe if you live in a state with no income or sales tax. The average
> >Marylander, for instance, is paying 8% in income and 5% in sales in
> >state taxes alone.

> I live in a state that has no income or sales taxes and pays over $1000

> year back to residents.
> But then, I live in the least populous state.

The least populous state is Wyoming, which I thought had no income tax but
did have a sales tax. If you live there though I will accept your word on

> Marc
> For email, remove the first "y" of "whineryy"


Bill Putney wrote:
> ...It just points out the
> absurdity of the liberal mind being demonstrated by the so-called
> Democratic contenders' debates.
> I particulary liked the question (and the "candidates" answers) about
> whether the candidates preferred Macs or pc's. It showed how serious
> they all aren't.

I saw on the news tonight that the poor girl (a college student) who
asked that question was made to ask it by CNN - she had her own serious
question ready, but they made her ask that one instead! Poor thing.
Wouldn't be surprised if she becomes a Republican over that after
finding out they couldn't care less about making her appear totally
stupid like that in order to benefit the party - you know - the party
that's supposed to care so much about people.

Bill Putney
(to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
address with "x")

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"David J. Allen" <> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> Say what you want about US foreign policy against Communism or supporting
> Israel or whatever, the Islamic extremists only have power to threaten us
> because of oil

Obviously. If it weren't for the oil, the US wouldn't have cared much
*who* was in power in most of the Middle East, and so we'd now have
healthy democracies, good education and strong economies right
throughout the Middle East. Instead, the US has either helped to
create a situation where the extremists have taken power, or (in the
case of Saudi Arabia) directly supported the extremists to take power.
Back then, as long as they weren't left leaning, that was all that
mattered. Too short sighted, unfortunately.

> and proliferation of WMD.


> If the world didn't need middle
> east oil or if terrorists only had car bombs, there wouldn't be this war on
> terror.

They haven't used WMD to any great effect. The war on terror's
biggest hit on the US was done with knives.

Bill Putney <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> st3ph3nm wrote:

> > If you want to maintain your strong economy, it makes sense, too.
> > There is a strong correlation between fresh water supplies and
> > strength of the economy, worldwide.

> This could be a chicken-egg thing too. If the country (its government
> and its people) are in survival model (or is totally corrupt - the two
> often go hand in hand), then chances are high that it's going have a bad
> economy as well as not properly take care of its water system (due to
> priorities being elsewhere) - one may have nothing to do with the other
> (economy and clean water) in such a country (either due to the
> priorities being different - only so much money to go around - or the
> gov't plain not watching out for the peoples' interests).
> One must be careful in assigning cause and effect. You might find that
> contries that have healthy economies and clean water have a much higher
> percentage of blue cars, whereas poor countries with crappy water have
> cars that are more earth tones. It would be a mistake to conclude that
> having blue cars makes for clean water or a good economy (but could in
> some way be a result).

I wasn't assigning cause and effect. Obviously, a healthy economic
system is more likely to be allocating resources to good water
supplies. Having said that, blue cars don't give you the ability to
grow lots of food. The number of blue cars in your country doesn't
affect the health of your population. The number of blue cars doesn't
have a bearing on how many people can live in a given area. Factorys
don't rely on blue cars (very much) as a major input to most
industrial processes. It's not surprising that there's a correlation.
Clean water is a valuable (though often undervalued) ingredient to a
healthy economy.


"st3ph3nm" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "David J. Allen" <> wrote in message

news:<[email protected]>...
> >
> > Say what you want about US foreign policy against Communism or

> > Israel or whatever, the Islamic extremists only have power to threaten

> > because of oil

> Obviously. If it weren't for the oil, the US wouldn't have cared much
> *who* was in power in most of the Middle East, and so we'd now have
> healthy democracies, good education and strong economies right
> throughout the Middle East. Instead, the US has either helped to
> create a situation where the extremists have taken power, or (in the
> case of Saudi Arabia) directly supported the extremists to take power.
> Back then, as long as they weren't left leaning, that was all that
> mattered. Too short sighted, unfortunately.

Here we go again, blame the US. It's easy to lean back and criticize the
US, which has been the one country that's provided the leadership and has
paid the high price to make the world a safe place for democratic societies
against despotism.

We all know that democratic government that recognizes the inalienable
rights of individuals and derives it's power from the consent of the
governed just "happens". Perhaps the US should have been a "good sport" and
left Europe after WWII. The Soviets would have done a fine job I'm sure.

Oh and by the way, oil fuels the WORLD economy... not just the US. Global
demand for oil is what drives middle east politics, not any US desire to
rule over others.

> > and proliferation of WMD.

> Where?

Now there's a famous last word.

> > If the world didn't need middle
> > east oil or if terrorists only had car bombs, there wouldn't be this war

> > terror.

> They haven't used WMD to any great effect. The war on terror's
> biggest hit on the US was done with knives.

I'm not sure there's a thing I can say to save you from that kind of logic.

I'll try.

1. I wasn't aware they had used WMD to any affect. But even so, the whole
point is not to wait around until they do.
2. The War on Terror is being waged BY the US not against the US.
3. Assuming you mean the 9/11 terror attacks...... Uh, yeah... the knives
weren't the problem.

> Cheers,
> Steve

Up yours.


> "Steve Stone" <[email protected]> wrote:
>>What is a liberal these daze ?


People who think liberal application of government bureaucracy and
suppression of individual decision-making is the cure to everything.

When did D.C. become a state?

"The Ancient One" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
: "C. E. White" <[email protected]> wrote in message
: news:[email protected]...
: >
: >
: > The Ancient One wrote:
: >
: > > The least populous state is Wyoming, which I thought had no income
: but
: > > did have a sales tax. If you live there though I will accept your
: on
: > > it./
: >
: >
: >
: Yep, Wyoming is the least populous state, not sure why they included DC
: the 2002 numbers though.
