In article <
[email protected]>, Lloyd Parker wrote:
> [email protected] (Brent P) wrote:
<parker forgot how to trim>
>>> This is fine for people in the US. If you had been born and raised on
>>> the Solomons, though, you might be annoyed to find that the world
>>> doesn't care if your entire homeland is inundated. This is a very
>>> simplistic argument - I'll address it more further down.
>>Then why does the proposed solution, the kyoto treaty, do nothing but
>>encourage the relocation of CO2 output to China, India, and other such
> Because the US emits 2 times as much CO2 as the next nation (Russia) and over
> 4 times as much on a per capita basis as any other nation.
Let's say the kyoto treaty is accepted. The US limits CO2 output.
Production of the crap americans buy is relocated to china and india
and the products are shipped to the USA for sale. There is a net increase
in the amount of CO2 and pollutants released. The US's per capita CO2
emissions go way down, China's and India's go up a blip (huge
populations). There has been a net increase in the CO2 released into
the atmosphere. Why does this make you happy? Why is this a goal you
strive for?
If CO2 emissions are a real problem, this solution called the kyoto
treaty doesn't address it at all, it simply shifts where on the globe
they come from. This does not matter if we are to believe that CO2
emissions cause global warming. So, the goal must be something else.
What is that something else that makes you want this to occur?
secondly, Dr. Parker, if you believe CO2 emissions to be a problem
why are you driving a mercedes benz? Why are you not driving a geo
metro or an insight or some other micro car or hybred?
>>The proposed solution to stop global warming by CO2 emissions is to put
>>tight controls on developed nations and none on developing nations.
> No, that's the first step.
Relocating factories and the means of production to the developing
nations and increasing net global CO2 output is the first step. What's
the second step? Setting all the world's oil fields on fire for the good
of the environment?
>>I have no problems with conservation, but that's not what the left
>>is about in this regard. If they were about conservation they would
>>be for limiting *GLOBAL* CO2 output, not that of only selected nations.
> If you've got a head wound and a scratch on your arm, which do you treat
> first? The head wound gushing blood or the scratch?
I'll tell you want I don't do, and that's stab a knife into my neck so
the blood leaks out there instead of out of my head. And that's what
the kyoto treaty does as solution to the idea that there is too much
in the way of CO2 emissions. It just moves where the CO2 goes into the
So you and the rest of pro-kyoto-treaty bunch are left with the following
question that you've never been able to answer: Why is it better to
make a widget in china with no environmental controls for sale in the
USA than say in georgia with environmental protections for sale in
the USA? Is the CO2 somehow less harmful if it comes from communists?
Please explain, using scientific journal references.