Lloyd Parker wrote:
> CO2 put into the air by nature has been in balance for millions of years.
> It's man changing this equilibrium that's the problem.
You'll have to explain what you mean by "balance." The concentration of CO2 has
never been static. In fact, the long term trend was a reduction in the
concentration until about 10,000 years ago. CO2 is constantly being more or less
permanently removed from the atmosphere and tied up in corral reefs, limestone,
coal, oil, peat, etc., etc., etc. Recently mankind has released some of the
stored CO2. Maybe we are actually helping to restore the balance. At any rate the
era of fossil fuel will sooner or later come to an end. It may take another 200
years or 1000 years, but it will end. On the geologic time scale it will just be
a blip.
I don't doubt that an increase in the concentration of CO2 might cause a change
in the climate. However, climate change will occur whether there is or is not a
change in the CO2 concentration. The component of climate change attributable to
human activity may actually be beneficial. It might counter some "natural change"
(whatever that means) or reinforce the "natural change" or it may be trivial
compared to the "natural change." The manmade component might be a good thing, a
bad thing, or an insignificant thing. I object to what I perceive to be a
hijacking of the issue of global warming by groups who are trying to use it as an
excuse for promoting their other unrelated goals. I think the potential for harm
is deliberately overstated. I think the science supporting global warming is not
subject to the sort of scrutiny that it should be because it is a "popular
theory" with liberals. I think the new medias trumpets global warming because it
generates a lot interest. I think a lot of scientist promote global warming
because they can get money to study it.
If I am wrong and the worst case scenario happens, the sea level will rise 10
feet and millions of people will have to move. Fortunately, it won't rise over
night, so they can move. If you believe in global warming, I suggest you buy land
in Kansas now. If the global warming people are wrong and nothing dramatic
happens, millions of people will be spared the pain of having their lives
rearranged for no reason. If the global warming people are right, rearranging the
lives of millions of Americans to meet the terms of the Kyoto treaty won't have
any affect on the end results. We will just continue to move most of our CO2
generating industries to third world countries, and in the end, NYC will still be
underwater, and no one will care because everyone will be out of work anyhow.
To sum it up - even if global warming is true, I believe the cure is worse than
the disease. And furthermore, I think that even if it is true, the case is being
dramatically overstated.