I've been very quiet here for a couple of weeks as nothing much has happened with life and work getting in the way, but I had a bit of fun today.
As I needed to get the car back in the garage to see what I can do about fitting batteries under it, I decided to have a go at connecting the Freelander accelerator pedal to the ebike controller.
This was partly for convenience as using a hand throttle while trying to turn the steering wheel without power assistance is not easy, and partly because tracing the throttle wires back to the ecu and identifying them is an important job anyway.
So after a lot of faffing about and misreading the connections I wrote several months ago I finally got it working.
At first I planned to use a different more powerful controller so spent a bit of time linking up a few of my 12V ex UPS batteries to make 48V. Unfortunately I had issues with the 48V controller so instead I decided to plug the 36V controller into my new 48V battery.
I wasn't really surprised that nothing bad happened as these controllers are often used with different voltages so it looks like this is OK.
Here is the pack and controller taped onto the front of the car.
It seemed to go a bit better than with the 36V ebike battery but it was always a gutless battery anyway and needed charging so that's no surprise.
What was a surprise was when I was heading for a wall, lifted off the throttle and the car kept going.
I'd forgotten a wee quirk of this controller is when you maintain throttle for a few seconds it goes into cruise control so after a bit of panic standing on the brake (no servo) I blipped the throttle and it stopped again. I think I need to connect the brake kill switch for this before something bad happens and also the ignition switch because all this happened with the car turned off.
Anyhow the car is back in the garage so I had a quick look under and I don't think I'll be able to use much of the original eGolf pack mounting points. I think the battery box at the rear may have to be made in two sections as the subframe and rear axle will be in the way but I'm not too worried about this as I never expected this part to be easy.